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Happy Wellness Wednesday, Garden Fam 🌸

We are in the final week of our Stress Awareness Month Series. So far, we’ve chatted about ways to avoid and alleviate stress, healthy practices for work-life balancewhich, if you heard that episode, you know we are now calling work-life flowand lastly, how to manage stress in busy seasons (we know that it can look different than more quiet seasons).

Today, we’re wrapping up the series with creating an anti-stress lifestyle. I’ve shared tips and key pointers in the other three April episodes that I believe can also contribute to today’s topic, so be sure to go back and check those out, whether you need the information now or may need it in the future.

In this last episode, I thought it might be nice to just speak candidly and share a few of my experiences and what I learned from them as it pertains to living a stress less life. Overall, though there were seasons where I was more tired than others (naturally), I am thankful to say that very rarely did I find myself feeling “stressed.” I definitely owe the credit to God for empowering me in every season and allowing me to lean on Him. There were also tangible things that I did (or didn’t do) that supported my anti-stress lifestyle.

First, let’s chat mindset.

Before I even get into my experiences, I will say that as cliche as it sounds, mindset truly does matter SO much! When it comes to stress, I intentionally fostered a mindset of “I get to” rather than “I have to,” and I could definitely feel the difference when I was not intentionally approaching life this way. For example, I loved teaching, but in the hard moments, I would remind myself that it was a blessing to teach, engage, and have a hand in cultivating the minds of little ones.

There are times (really most times) when you have to train your mind what and how to think and literally cancel out negative or unproductive thoughts. I also embraced the scripture that says to “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.” That’s Colossians 3:23 and it definitely kept me going in times when I wanted to quit, or complain, or checkout. There were definitely times when I fell short of this as far as excellence goes, but fostering this mindset was definitely helpful, because even when people may have been difficult, it reminded me who I was truly working for, and who was working within me. It surely made all the difference.

Whether you adopt these mindsets or some of your own, your mindset is definitely the first place to begin building an anti-stress lifestyle.

I’ve said this many times before, but you should also filter what you are taking in on a regular basis. We don’t need to know everything that is going on in every city across the world, or what is going on in the lives of every single person we know on a regular basis. We certainly don’t need to be taking in doom and gloom messaging and conversations. It’s important to filter these things out. If it doesn’t align with God’s word as it is written or the things He has spoken to you specifically, filter it out. There’s more I could say on that, but I’ll leave it at that for now. I wrote a blog on this last year, so I will link it in the comments for those that need help in this area, and I’ll likely find myself talking about it again in more detail in the future.

Overall, a healthy mindset is something that is actively cultivated, not passively, so get intentional, “Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” That’s Philippians 4:8, by the way. With this, and doing things God’s way, brings the PEACE of God, and stress can’t overpower the peace that God gives!

I can tell you that with confidence because I’ve experienced it for myself!

There have been times that I’ve looked back on and couldn’t fathom how I was not only surviving, but gliding through with grace. That’s not to say it NEVER got difficult, but overall, I’m impressed with all that God allowed me to do. During my time teaching, I was literally teaching full time and all the things that come with that: meetings and lesson planning and grading, and teacher outings, and even at certain points, planning events for staff, and volunteering… Then, on my own time tutoring and doing freelance work, and serving at my church, and somehow still making time for fun and traveling. My mind is lowkey blown just reflecting on it, but it’s a reminder to me and to you that it is possible to not only get a lot done, but to do so with grace and ease and peace. I won’t lie, that grace, ease, and peace may not come and definitely won’t be sustainable without God, but truly, all things are possible with God! Now for the takeaways: When I look back at this season, and the one I will share next, there are a few things that I know aided me in showing up with excellence:

TIME-MANAGEMENT! As someone who helps others manage their calendars, I know firsthand that this does not come naturally to everyone, but man oh man is it important and a major key to creating an anti-stress lifestyle. Whether you use a digital or written calendar, a physical checklist or project management software, you MUST have something that you are accountable to that helps you to plan your days and delegate your time. Disorganization, both physically and with our time, can definitely breed stress! When managing your time, be realistic about how much time you really need for tasks and don’t ever rely on “remembering” scheduled appointments, meetings, etc. Write it down or it’s not real! Lol.

Someone I know puts EVERY minute of their day on their calendar, from eating to showering, to working and working out, you name it! Shout out to you if you’re listening: You know who you are! Lol. I don’t always do it to that extent and I’m not suggesting that you have to either, but if I’m honest, it helps to visually see your time and how it is spent, and also, in busy seasons especially, you can almost create more time in the day by properly allocating time for things. Obviously, we only have 24 hours in a given day, really less when we count sleep, but when you employ the combination of visualizing your time and setting a schedule to adhere to, you’ll be surprised how much you can get done in a day and how much it will eliminate the stress that comes from confusion, disorganization, or not knowing what to do next. In this way, you also find that you have time for rest throughout your day, whether it be short breaks throughout or one long break in the middle.

Long story long on that, manage your time well, and don’t forget to factor in the logistics like travel time, actually cooking, ordering, or picking up the meal you plan to eat, rest, and hygiene. Shameless plug, if you need someone to help you setup or maintain your calendar, I’d be happy to help you through my assistance and organization business, Reorganize with Rhaven! I offer a plethora of services as a virtual executive and personal assistant, and as a digital organizer to help you organize your life, your space, your schedule, and your business. Check out my website and let me help you begin creating your anti-stress lifestyle today! The link will also be in the description.

The next experience I want to share is one that I know many can relate to, whether now, in the past, or in the future, and that is working full-time while going to school full time. If you are there or have been there, you know that combination packs a PUNCH. I completed my masters program while working full-time in my role as an executive assistant, serving in an ancillary role as the leader of our company culture, and continuing to serve my tutoring students. Now, let me say, busy is not always productive and you don’t necessarily have to be busy to be successful, but I want to offer a balanced perspective that you CAN be successful in living an anti-stress life, even when you are wearing 5000 hats. I know there has been a movement towards doing less, and I support that if that is the season you are in and if that is what you feel is best for you right now, but there are DEFINITELY seasons where God and life will require more of you. Don’t back down! You can charge forth, be super productive and impactful, and still be at peace. It doesn’t have to be either-or. I also want to debunk the idea that you just need to struggle through a busy season to get to a quiet, calm life. Realistically speaking, if you have goals and if you have a calling on your life from God (which we all do, but not everyone answers); if you care about being impactful and moving from glory to glory, you need to posture yourself to thrive and live a good life in every season, and not postpone joy, peace, rest, etc. for some season that isn’t coming or that won’t last. What am I saying? Live well NOW, no matter the circumstances. I think that is one thing that I have learned—to stop holding my breath and struggling through intense seasons, and to embrace each season for what it is, even when I know better is coming. How does this apply to working while in school? Well, I’m glad you asked! Often, when in school, we have this idea that we will just push through this 4 years in undergrad, 2-3 years in grad school, or however many years in a doctorate program, or however many months in a certification program so that we can coast later… but after school ends, then comes looking for a new job or promotion or building a business and the cycle starts all over again. So, what’s a better solution? Create a lifestyle of anti-stress now. Care for your mind, body, and spirit now. Manage your time well and create helpful habits now. Make time for your family and friends, and yourself now. Are there certain things that come after delayed gratification? ABSOLUTELY, but exhaling, resting, caring for ourselves, and truly LIVING should not be a part of those things. Build an anti-stress lifestyle while working and going to school full time by doing some of the things we’ve already mentioned, eating well, making time for rest, setting healthy habits, making time for fun and self-care, managing your time and tasks well, just to name a few. How this looks and how much time is allotted for each thing may need to shift in different seasons, but as we discussed in last week’s episode, you still need to make time for your non-negotiables in every season. And just to clarify, I’m not saying you will be comfortable in every season, because not every season is meant to last a long time, but you DON’T have to just accept that stressful living is your portion. It’s not… or at least it doesn’t have to be.

I will wrap up in saying this: many have accepted that stress is a part of life and I am here to tell you that while that is true, that life does come with certain pressures, it does not mean that you have to be stressed or life a stressful life. You can thrive under and really, over the pressures, and significantly alleviate or even avoid the effects of stress, especially chronic stress, by building a life that is not conducive to it. Go back and listen to the rest of the episodes in this series for more ideas on how you can do just that. You can also grab the transcripts on the blog at, if you’re someone who needs to see it visually. As we wrap up April, Stress Awareness Month, I want to challenge you to begin setting up for an anti-stress lifestyle. What things do you need to start, stop, or continue doing? What habits do you need to strengthen or eliminate? How can you foster a better mindset going forward? If you haven’t already, I challenge you to leave stressful living behind in April and enter May committed to God’s grace, ease, and peace, and living a Stress Less life!

That’s the end of today’s episode and the end of this series. I hope you’ve enjoyed it and that you feel empowered to go forth. Leave me a comment and let me know one thing you will start implementing this week to build or strengthen your anti-stress lifestyle!

I love you bunches and will talk to you on Faith Friday, God willing!

Until then, have a healthy and wholesome week! 💕

Happy Faith Friday, Garden Fam 🌸

I hope you've had a wonderful week!

Today, we’re talking about the importance of writing God’s vision(s) for you.

Honor His words by taking notes! Not only will it allow you to RUN with it when He says GO, but it will also help you to maintain faith as you wait for the vision(s) to come to pass.

Watch today’s video or listen via podcast for more insight into Habakkuk 2:1-4 and the wisdom we can glean from Habakkuk’s conversation with God!

Focus Verses

Habakkuk 2:1-4

I will stand my watch

And set myself on the rampart,

And watch to see what He will say to me,

And what I will answer when I am corrected.

Then the Lord answered me and said:

“Write the vision

And make it plain on tablets,

That he may run who reads it.

For the vision is yet for an appointed time;

But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.

Though it tarries, wait for it;

Because it will surely come,

It will not tarry.

Behold the proud,

His soul is not upright in him;

But the just shall live by his faith.”

Habakkuk 1:5

“Look among the nations and watch—Be utterly astounded!

For I will work a work in your days

Which you would not believe, though it were told you."

Happy Wellness Wednesday, Garden Fam 🌸

Today, we are continuing our Stress Awareness Month Series.

As you should know by now, chronic stress can be a real enemy to multiple aspects of our health, so I’m hoping our series will provide you with practices, tips, and mindsets you can implement to manage and minimize stress in your life, and live in the abundant joy and peace that God has for each of us.

This week we are diving into how you can manage stress in busy seasons. To clarify, physical, mental, and emotional stress can be a natural human response to life’s pressures, but can become unhealthy when we are constantly in a state of high tension or worry. In life, we should aim to minimize stress through practices like planning ahead and setting up systems and processes in our lives that allow us to care for ourselves and release stress on a regular basis. In the times when some level of pressure is unavoidable, such as when striving to achieve goals and meet deadlines, in caring for others, or even in working to fulfill God-given assignments, there are things we can do to manage the stress that exists, so that we are not just absorbing it and allowing it to wreak havoc in our minds, bodies, and spirits.

Check out today's podcast & the tips highlighted in the episode transcript below.

Let me know in the comments:

How do YOU manage stress in busy seasons?

Have a healthy & wholesome week!

Love you bunches 🍇

P.S. Check out today's sponsor, Reorganize with Rhaven if you need help minimizing stress by getting and staying organized.

Episode Transcript & Today's Tips

"The very first thing I recommend is to lean on God for His supernatural power and grace to carry out whatever it is that you need to do. Lean on Him, for His strength is made perfect in our weakness. I go into detail about this a lot more in the first episode of this series. Check that one out if you need more guidance on how to actually lean on God in order to live a life of less stress.

The next thing I would recommend is to consider your non-negotiable needs. Meaning, no matter what, I need these things in order to function at my best. These may change based on what season you are in, what you are working on, or other life factors, but take a moment to consider your bare minimum needs. What is the least amount of sleep you need in order to function? What meals can’t you skip? What spiritual and self-care practices are most important to you? Essentially, fill in the blank: “No matter how busy life gets, I absolutely need…”

For me, I’ve learned that I absolutely need at LEAST 6 hours of sleep, ideally 7. When I don’t get that, I function at such a lower capacity, which creates a bit more stress, because I can’t even effectively do what I set out to do for the day. In this season, working out is also a non-negotiable. Even if I have to skip a day, I know I need to honor my workout routine, because now that I don’t drink caffeine anymore, it helps me have sustainable energy throughout the day and allows my brain to function at a higher capacity. I also refuse to start my day without spending time with God. Not because of religious purposes or checking off a box, but because you build and maintain relationship by spending time. Plus, I need time with the Holy Spirit who knows all things, so that He may order my footsteps for the day. Lastly, y’all have heard me talk about this before, but smoothies and/or protein shakes really help me to get or keep going through my day.

You should also consider what can be the first things or habits to go when things start getting busy. For me, I’ll be honest, laundry, and especially folding laundry is usually the first things I neglect when things start picking up. One day, I will likely outsource this altogether, because not only do I hate doing laundry, but I always feel like I could be doing something else with my time when I’m sitting and folding clothes. This can also be pleasurable things that you can easily give up to build more time into your day and/or to save the energy for something else that is more important at the moment. For me, that’s watching tv or YouTube. For me, those are super luxuries that get cut ASAP when I need to buy back time for myself, especially tv. What are those things for you? What chores are not of utmost importance when you need the time back? What hobbies or pastimes can you do without when needed? Remember, you’ve already outlined your non-negotiable self-care things, so I am NOT suggesting that you neglect caring for yourself.

In fact, we’ll make that the next tip:

Ensure that you maintain some time to care for yourself—to nurture your needs, to laugh, to smile, to do something you enjoy, even if it’s not for as long or in the same way you normally would. You should have your non-negotiable self-care things outlined from the exercise I shared first, but still wanted to highlight this here. You must care for yourself in order to function at your best!

That brings us to tip number five: Mind what you are eating.

It can definitely be easy to junk-food out when you are super busy, because you feel like you don’t have time to cook or make healthy food choices, but healthy eating is even more important in busy seasons. Food is fuel, so you can’t put junk in your tank and expect your body to continuously function at high capacity and efficiency. It almost becomes counterproductive, because junk food often causes lethargy and brain fog, the opposite of what healthy foods will provide. Meal planning and/or prep, or at least taking the time to make the healthier food choice if you must eat out goes a long way. Your brain and body will thank you by operating in the ways they were designed to. If you consistently make healthier choices, you will likely notice that you are able to get more done, and even that you feel better while doing it. In 2023, there are many convenient ways you can do this without necessarily having to take too much time away from what you are working on by ordering your groceries, signing up for a meal planning program that delivers ingredients and recipes for your meals for the week, or even finding a meal prep program or chef who will deliver already-cooked meals for you to consume for the week. If you’re balling on a budget, you can also simplify your meals by eating one thing for breakfast all week, one or two things for lunch all week, and one or two things for dinner all week. Prepare them all at the beginning of the week and boom, you’re done.

Each of these options can also help you to minimize decision fatigue, which can often happen in seasons where you have to make a lot of decisions in a given day or week.

In that same vein, you can also consider how or in what areas you can minimize your decision-making on a regular basis, so that your thinking capacity can be reserved for what matters most. For example, can you pick out your clothes at the beginning of the week so that you don’t have to think about it each day? Can you lock in your morning and evening routines a bit more so that you don’t have to decide what to do when you wake up or as you prepare for bed? Are you able to delegate certain tasks and decisions to others in your household, on your job, or in your business? If you have a nanny, perhaps there are certain tasks that he or she can take the reins on so that you don’t have to? If you are a supervisor or CEO with employees, consider whether you can give them more autonomy in certain areas, especially if you tend to be a “do it myself” kinda person. Save your decision making energy for what matters most.

There are many more tips I could share here, but I think this is a good place to start. If you are already in a busy season, I wouldn't recommend implementing these all at once, but perhaps, start with intentionally leaning on God and also, outlining your non-negotiables. Then, go from there. If you’re not in a busy season, this is a perfect time to consider the things outlined above and start incorporating some of them into your life now, so that when things get busy, you already know what to do! This is especially true for those who know God is about to bring you into a busier season. Get ready now, so you won’t have to then!

That’s the end of today’s episode. I hope it helped you and I pray that implementing some of these tips helps you to live a stress less life! Now, I want to hear from you, what helps you to manage stress in busy seasons? I look forward to reading your responses!

If you haven’t already, check out our merch on our blog. We have some awesome faith-based hoodies, t-shirts, and notebooks to rep for the Kingdom or to be a shameless plug for The Garden of Epiphani out in the world!

Thank you again for listening and I will talk to you guys soon, God willing!

Love you bunches 🍇

Written to help you bloom

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