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Heyyyy Sistas! 👋🏾

I hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving with family & friends, new & old! 

For those who don’t know, I’m a REALTOR® in the Dallas, TX metroplex and my God… what a beautiful and also challenging journey it has been to get here! We’re just getting started really! But there are so many things I’ve been learning in this journey of building my business with God as my CEO (as one of my favorite podcasters would say).

I want to share some of them with you for a few reasons: 

  1. For my sisters who may be in a similar space to know you’re not alone & you’re not crazy!

  2. For my sisters who may be headed into this journey to know it’s okay to jump in, the water is fine out here… & even when it feels like it’s not, Jesus is in it with us! 

  3. & To illuminate how God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit can move in our lives & to remind anyone that I’m not special. God is no respecter of persons & you can truly have this same level of intimacy with the Lord. It’s so beautiful & it’s available to all who choose to pursue it. God is truly a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. 💞

Anyway, here are 7 Things I’m Learning as I Build My Business with God

1. God desires to enrich & equip us in the spiritual & the practical
  • I’m learning what it looks like to marry the two

  • Formerly — I sought the world’s wisdom for practical steps and added my faith to it. 

  • I’m learning to take what the Bible says & operationalize it

  • I’m also learning that the Holy Spirit will indeed give us step by step instructions to actually move towards our goals & His plans, and to operate in excellence while doing so. 

2. A different meaning of communing with God throughout the day
  • I’ve always had a knowing that God is always with me, but in this season of building & pursuing the goals and initiatives He’s given me, I’m learning that God’s presence is just as intimately with me as I do the things He’s given me to do as He is when I’m in the prayer closet. 

  • I’m learning a new definition of what it means to dwell with Him throughout the day, and how my worship & my work don’t have to be separate 

  • Yes, I still have set aside time for devotion, prayer, study, and worship, but now, I am truly experiencing what it feels like to allow God to saturate & guide every part of my day. 

  • It’s pretty cool, too. 

3. In that same vain, I’m gaining a deeper understanding of flowing with the Holy Spirit
  • I allow Him to guide how I plan each day, and throughout that day, I am just flowing with Him. 

  • Spontaneous prayer

  • Spontaneous scripture coming to mind

  • Spontaneous nudges 

  • Spontaneous rhema words for me or for us at TGOE

4. Seeing & experiencing faith & favor in new ways 
  • God connecting dots & answering such nuanced prayers that I know it could’ve only been by His hand! 

  • True peace that surpasses all understanding— diligence without toiling or worrying

  • Not saying I don’t ever have moments, but overall, I truly trust that if I just do what God says, I will be not just okay, but successful in all I do as I serve those He places in my path 

5. A new level of submission 
  • Allowing the Holy Spirit to guide me has meant not just being concerned with right & wrong, but more focused on fulfilling God’s will and operating by His standard. 

  • Not perfection, but intentionality 

  • It has also meant a different level of dying to my flesh

  • Keeping quiet when I want to speak

  • Tailoring my words

  • Speaking at times when I’d rather fade to the back 

6. A new balance between rhema & written words from the Lord
  • Rhema is always backed by scripture, but may not always be spoken with the same words or with the same tone as a specific Bible verse or passage. It’s in the moment for a moment, past, present, or future.

  • The test: “Is this supported by scripture & how God’s character is outlined there?” 

  • Truly seeing John 14:26 come to life

  • “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.”

7. To let God lead our time together & to pivot as He shifts in different moments & seasons
  • I’ve had to get over the guilt that has tried to arise itself when the grace to commune with God in one specific way has lifted (or shifted).

  • I’ve had to make an intentional decision to move with God & commune with Him as He is calling me to in a given moment, day, or season.

  • Praise & worship

  • Fervent, warfare prayer

  • Quiet reflective prayer 

  • Impartation & planning

  • Learning & gleaning from another anointed vessel 

  • Whatever it is, I’m learning not to be so rigid in my expectations for how my time with God should go

  • which can sometimes be hard, because I like my routines, y’all! Lol

I pray this list blessed you, even if you are not (yet) a business owner! 

What are you learning as you build your business (or your life in general) with God? 

  • Writer's pictureEpiphani

Hey Garden Fam,

I hope you are doing WELL!

I have a quick reminder today for someone who may need it:

Even when God seems silent, He’s still right there, supporting you and ready to help you when you reach out.

I’m sure we’ve all heard the saying, “during the test, the teacher is silent,” but God has been showing me that most of life is more like “Classwork.” (Yes, let’s take it back to elementary school for a sec 😂) When I was in the classroom, I would teach a lesson, walk the students through examples, and give them chances to try the concepts throughout the lesson. Then, once it seemed they had the hang of it (whatever was being taught), I would assign them some classwork so they could apply and practice what they had just finished learning. I didn’t expect them to be experts in it; they had literally just finished being introduced to new concepts. Instead, I sat back, usually just walking around to check in, or sometimes, sitting at my desk, but I always made it clear to them that I was available to help them if they got stuck. I also let them know that it wasn’t considered “cheating” to use their resources to help them. Also note that classwork was graded a lot more loosely than tests, because tests were given at a point when mastery should have been achieved, but classwork was simply an opportunity to exercise new learning.

Without belaboring the point too long, essentially, life with God is a lot like that. Most seasons and moments are more like “classwork” than tests. God is constantly teaching us things and then giving us opportunities to practice and apply what we’ve learned while the stakes are pretty low. That whole time, He’s right there, waiting for our questions, waiting for us to ask for help when we get stuck or don’t know what to do next, waiting for us to reach out and ask for approval, or whatever we may need. As you do the ‘classwork’ (aka your life’s work), the Teacher may be quiet at times—He’s already given the lesson & instruction—but He’s not absent or unavailable. God may seem silent at times, but He is always right there, willing and able to support, help, empower, and guide us as we may need Him.

Our earthly teachers’ goals were to teach, mold, and grow us to eventually be independent (and rightfully so), but that is not the case with our Heavenly Teacher. In fact, it’s the opposite. To grow with Him means to grow more and more dependent and reliant on Him, His goodness, His strength, etc.

I have to remind myself of this often, because my natural inclination is to try to do all I can and then ask for help. God has been leading me to do the opposite; to ask for help and allow Him to guide and empower me every step of the way. It’s a lot different than what I’m used to, but the joy, peace, and fruit it produces is top tier! When you ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and empowerment at every turn, I can tell you from even the most recent experiences, that He will certainly show up to help you, remind you, guide you, support you, and provide whatever else you may need in the moment!

So, in closing, I want to remind you to make an intentional effort to look to God every step of the way, big or small, minor or major, and know that in most moments, it’s not a test, but rather an opportunity to collaborate with God on your life’s work!

Have a healthy & wholesome week,

Love you bunches 💞

  • Writer's pictureEpiphani
You don’t have to FORCE what God has for you…
But you do have to intentionally embrace it & allow it to be!

Amos 3:3 says, “Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?”

Can we walk with God and step into His plans for us if we don’t agree to do so?

God kinda checked me about this a couple weeks ago. I wasn’t blatantly disagreeing with God, but I also wasn’t fully embracing His plans for me, either. The quote above is what the Holy Spirit told me in that moment. You don’t have to force, manipulate, beg, borrow, or steal for what God has already ordained for your life, but you do have to intentionally agree and obey His instructions. You do have to choose to embrace His plans and believe His words, and if there is a struggle to do so for any reason, we can always be vulnerable with our Father and ask for His help to align our hearts, minds, will, emotions, and actions with His will & plans. That’s where I’m at this week, month, year, etc.

A Prayer of Agreement with God

“Lord, I choose to embrace every plan you have for me, including the journey to get there. When it gets rough, I choose to trust You anyway and to lean into You for assurance and strength. Father, when unbelief, doubt, or discouragement try to arise within me, I lay them at your feet and humbly ask you to help my unbelief. In Jesus’ name!”

Love you bunches,

Have a healthy & wholesome week 💞

Written to help you bloom

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