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Happy Wellness Wednesday, Garden Fam 🌱

We’re back with Part III of our Natural Remedies Series and we’re discussing how to combat and prevent Chronic Inflammation. Inflammation is one way the body responds to cuts, injuries, and infections. Overall, this bodily response is normal and healthy… except when our bodies are releasing this response on a regular basis with or without a cut, injury, or infection in sight. Chronic inflammation is just that, ongoing inflammation in our bodies, and can produce joint and body aches, depression and anxiety, and other adverse effects. It is also associated with certain diseases and illnesses.

In today’s video, I share a few recommendations for how to combat and prevent inflammation on a regular basis, specifically through how we live and how we eat. Chronic inflammation ain’t acute thing (lol), so let’s start making changes for our health today! See the video and the notes below.

Love you bunches 🍇

Have a healthy & wholesome week!

Focus Scripture

Psalm 3:7-8

Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil.

It will be HEALTH to your flesh, and STRENGTH to your bones.

Video Notes

📚 Book Recommendation

What is Inflammation?

  • Inflammation is one way the body responds to injuries and infections.

  • Acute Inflammation

    • one-time, short-term inflammation

    • Normal, healthy bodily response

  • Chronic Inflammation

    • Ongoing inflammation with or without specific incident

Side Effects

  • Acute Inflammation

    • Swelling

    • Redness

    • Pain

  • Chronic Inflammation

    • Joint and body pain

    • Fatigue

    • Depression and anxiety

    • Digestive issues like diarrhea and constipation


Acute Inflammation
  • Cuts

  • Injuries

  • Infections

Chronic Inflammation
  • Poor diet

  • Dehydration

  • Stress

  • Lack of physical activity

  • Poor sleep

  • Smoking

  • Alcohol Intake

  • Obesity

Dangers of Inflammation

  • Associated with a number of illnesses & diseases (not necessarily causative)

Inflammatory Foods

Overall, there seems to be emphasis on trans fats, fatty meat, refined sugar, refined carbs, and alcohol

Foods with Trans Fats
  • Fried foods

  • Packaged Baked Goods

  • Refrigerated Doughs

  • Shortening & Margarine

  • Pie Crusts

  • Microwave Popcorn

Certain Meats
  • Fatty cuts

  • Cured and Breakfast Meats

Refined Sugars
  • Candy

  • Soda

  • Baked Goods

White Flour / Refined Carbs
  • Pastries, Doughnutes, Cakes, and Cookies


The Ultimate Remedy

Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be HEALTH to your flesh, and STRENGTH to your bones. — Psalm 3:7-8

  • Seek to be wise with the wisdom of God, as written in His word.

  • Fear the Lord

    • Have a deep reverence / respect for the Lord

  • Depart from evil

    • Separate from yourself from things that don’t align with God’s ways

  • The promised outcome

    • HEALTH to your flesh (your body — in this case, your cells, joints, tissues, etc)

    • STRENGTH to your bones (the structure of your body)

Anti-Inflammatory Foods

  • Leafy Greens

  • Cruciferous Veggies

  • Sweet Potatoes

  • Carrots

  • Mushrooms

  • Beets

  • Artichokes

  • Celery

  • Peppers

  • Tomatoes

  • Berries

  • Cherries

  • Grapes

  • Pineapple

  • Watermelon

  • Kiwi

  • Apples

Whole Grains, Legumes, and Soy
  • Oats

  • Quinoa

  • Rice

  • Legumes

  • Soy

Fish and Shellfish
  • Salmon

  • Other Fatty Fish, like tuna

Nuts, Seeds, and Oils
  • Walnuts

  • Almonds

  • Pecans

  • Chia Seeds

  • Flaxseeds

  • Hemp Seeds

  • Olive Oil

Herbs and Spices
  • Ginger

  • Turmeric

  • Garlic

  • Cinnamon

  • Parsely

Drinks, Sweets, and Dairy
  • Green Tea

  • Dark Chocolate

  • Honey

  • Yogurt

Lifestyle Changes

  • Incorporate Exercise

  • Eliminate Smoking

  • Maximize sleep quality — last week’s video

  • Minimize stress


  • If you are dealing with inflammation,

    • Live by Psalm 3:7-8 and watch God’s promises manifest in your body.

    • Grab this book and start making the necessary changes

    • Enjoy a healthy & wholesome life!

Happy Faith Friday, Garden Familia 💕

Is fear holding you back or keeping you anxious?

In today’s video, we wrap up our Overcoming series with some words of encouragement and wisdom to overcome fear and stop shrinking back from what God has called you to do. If you find yourself fearful of man, of lacking what you need, or of anything else, I pray today’s video sets you free and pushes you forward along your journey. This concludes a 3-part series where we also touched on Shame and Imposter Syndrome, two other factors that often keep people from doing what they were called to do or keep them miserable in the process of doing it. If you missed the last two videos, I recommend that you go back and watch those as well. In 2023 and beyond, may we go forth and do EVERYTHING God has predestined and called for us to do without shame, imposter syndrome, and fear!

I love you and I am rooting for you!

Have a healthy & wholesome weekend 💞

Focus Scriptures

Revisit the Overcoming Series

Happy Wellness Wednesday, Garden Fam 🌱

We are kicking off our Natural Remedies Series talking about getting quality sleep.

Sleep is an important part of our health.

There is a reason that God set an example for us to REST.

He knows that our bodies function best when we give them time to reset!

Do you have a healthy sleep routine? Are you getting enough sleep each night? Is your sleep the best it can be?

Check out today's video to learn why sleep is so important for our health and to grab some natural remedies for improving your sleep and for fighting insomnia. You can also check the notes below for the deets!

I love you all so much!

Have a healthy & wholesome week 💖💤

Focus Scriptures

Genesis 2:3

Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it,

because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.

Psalms 4:8

I will both lie down in peace, and sleep;

For You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.

Video Notes

Overall Tips for Better Sleep

  • Aim to sleep 7-9 hours each night

  • Standardize your sleep time – Take it back to the school days!

    • Set a standard bedtime and wake up time

  • Stay away from screens before bed

    • Our bodies respond to blue light like it’s daylight

    • Try winding down screen-free before bed, ideally two hours, but at least 30 minutes

      • Read

      • Journal

      • Play a Game

      • Count sheep

  • Set a regular DND pattern on your phone, so notifications can’t interrupt your flow

    • Show example w/ phone screen

      • Setting bedtime

      • Setting DND schedule

  • Turn off the lights & Get comfy

    • Sleeping in a dark, quiet place is key

    • If your 7-9 hours falls during heavy daylight hours, blackout curtains may be good

    • Make sure your bed, pillows, and comforter are comfortable for you!

  • Set the atmosphere

    • Rain or thunderstorm sounds

    • White noise

  • Get some exercise during the day

    • Not recommended right before bed, but incorporating exercise in your day can increase sleep quality

Tips for Fighting Insomnia

What is insomnia?
  • Hard to fall asleep or stay asleep, or waking up super early and not being able to go back to sleep

Common Causes
  • Stress

  • Shift in schedule

    • Traveling

    • Work schedule

  • Not setting good habits for sleep

    • Ie. not doing the things mentioned above

  • Eating too much too close to bedtime

    • Fullness

    • Heartburn

    • Discomfort

  • Other medical conditions or medications

  • Caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol

  • Hormonal shifts

    • Menopause & menstrual cycles may shift hormones and affect sleep


(in addition to incorporating the tips above)

  • Avoid or limit naps

  • Eat dinner earlier and only have a small snack before bed, if needed

    • Almonds or walnuts

    • Kiwi or bananas

    • Tart cherries

  • Supplements or essential oils

    • Lavender – to help you fall asleep

      • I recommend using an essential oil diffuser and setting the tone for sleep.

      • More essential oils for sleep

    • Melatonin

      • It’s a sleep hormone that is released to let our body know it’s time to sleep

        • Usually released in line with reduced light (ie. the nighttime)

      • Grab a melatonin supplement

        • They come in

        • Pills

        • Gummies

        • Powders

        • Topical Lotions

        • Try to stick with one brand as dosages and formulations may vary from brand to brand

    • Magnesium — something that should already be a part of our diets anyway

      • Helps to calm the mind and body

      • Regulates melatonin production

        • May find a melatonin product with magnesium

  • Nighttime Beverage

    • Warm milk & honey

    • Chamomile and/or lavender tea

Written to help you bloom

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