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Hey Garden Fam 👋🏾

It's #FaithFriday & we're chatting about imposter syndrome.

Like shame, imposter syndrome is a lie that can keep us from showing up as ourselves, in the fullness of our calling, gifts, and talents. A person is said to be experiencing imposter syndrome when they constantly doubt their skills, talents, or accomplishments, and more specifically, when they fear being found out to be a fraud, or imposter, as the name denotes. The enemy may try to use this to hold us back from doing the things we were called to do or to keep us miserable as we are doing it. However, as believers, we must know and believe that we could never be frauds or imposters when we are doing what God has called us to do, because according to Romans 8:30, God predestined us, called us, justified us, and glorified us. Isn't it a relief to know that you’re the real deal, not because you say so, or others say so, but because God said so?! It is Him who qualified us and gave us His stamp of approval, so it is just up to us to walk out His completed work by faith according to the guidance given through His Word and His Holy Spirit. There are others waiting on your obedience, diligence, and fulfillment of God’s purpose for you.

If you are struggling to step out, show up fully, or to truly receive the reality of your calling in God, I pray this week’s video encourages you! I love you bunches 🍇

Have a healthy & wholesome week 💞

Focus Scripture

Romans 8:28-30

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.

Scriptures Referenced in the Video

More info on Imposter Syndrome

Happy Wellness Wednesday, Garden Fam 🌸

I hope you are doing well & that your February is off to a wonderful start!

We’re starting a new series this month, but before we dive in, I wanted to lay the groundwork by telling some and reminding others to listen to your body. Our bodies are wired to send signals letting us know when things are good, when we need something, or when things are off. Have you been ignoring or silencing these signals? Have you not been intentional about recognizing and responding to these signals? Is this a concept you’ve never even heard of? If so, today’s video is for YOU! In this week's video, I do give you some homework as we prepare to begin our natural remedies series, but don't worry, it's not graded! lol. I'm sure you'll thank yourself later.

As always, have a healthy & wholesome week!

Love you bunches 🍇

Your Homework

  • Begin to be intentional about noticing when your body is speaking, such as when you're...

    • Hungry

    • Tired

    • In pain

    • In a good or bad mood

    • Feeling dehydrated

  • Make a mental note of the moments when you silence your body's cues

    • Such as ignoring your need to use the restroom or to grab a snack

  • Choose one area to begin addressing this week

    • For example, if you are tired, intentionally make time to rest


Did you catch our Black History Month series last year? If not, I definitely suggest you go back and watch it. I shared why there are so many health disparities in the Black community, as well as some tips for preventing and managing heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.


We just wrapped up our Cleaner Living Series.

Go back and watch it if you missed any of those videos. They may very well [help you to] change your life! 😉

Happy Faith Friday, Garden Fam! 💕

According to Jeremiah 5:1, God knew us before He formed us in our mother’s wombs and according to John 15:16, He has appointed each of us to go forth and produce fruit. As such, each of us has been given unique gifts to fulfill a specific purpose and contribute to the Kingdom of God in a special way. Unfortunately, the enemy often uses our experiences, some of the very experiences that have actually prepared us, to cause us to feel counted out, disqualified, or unworthy of walking out our callings. When shame enters the picture, we can often be tempted to abandon our gifts, purpose, or assignments altogether. However, we must press forth to do what God created us to do, in the fullness of which He called us to do it. Don’t let your shame deprive people of the gifts and knowledge God has placed in you to help them!

The world needs YOU and what you have to offer.

If you find yourself shrinking back from being who you are or doing what God has called you to do, today’s video is for you! I pray you’ll be encouraged and set free 🙏🏾

I love you bunches!

Have a healthy & wholesome weekend 💖

Video Notes

What is Shame?

  • a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior.

    • Distress = extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain.

How Does Shame Affect Our Lives?

Shame may cause one to...

  • Avoid relationships, vulnerability, and community

    • Not sharing your true self

  • Suppress emotions

    • Keeping your thoughts and feelings to yourself

  • Feel worthless, depressed, and anxious

  • Avoid healthy risks

    • Only making moves that you are 100% certain will end well to avoid the possibility of others having negative views of you

  • Revisit unhealthy or unfruitful behaviors

    • Shame affects your ability to believe that you can be healed and that you can make positive changes

What Does the Bible Say about Shame?

Bible Characters that overcame shame
  • Elizabeth — Luke 1:5-25

    • Her shame was not caused by her own sin or shortcomings, but rather a curse of barrenness

    • Shame was removed from her, so that they could birth the purpose God planned for them (ie. their son, John the Baptist)

    • Takeaways

      • Don’t believe that what you DON’T have will hold you back from fulfilling the purpose and assignment God has for you.

      • With your YES, God will fulfill what He planned for you and remove shame from you.

  • Paul — Acts 9:1-22 and Acts 26:12-23

    • Was literally killing Christians until Jesus called Him into ministry

    • He did what Jesus told him to do and immediately after began teaching the gospel

    • Paul wasted no time. He dove into the work and became one of the most influential preachers in the Bible

    • Takeaways

      • God has a plan for each of us

      • It requires us to answer the call, go through the preparation process He has laid out, and go forth and do the work!

      • Your previous identity does not disqualify you. In fact, it may position you to reach communities others may not have been able to reach due to your experiences and perspective.

  • Peter — Matthew 26:31-35, 69-75 & John 21:15-17

    • Jesus’ disciple who denied knowing Him 3x after Jesus’ arrest.

    • He was ashamed of what he had done, but Jesus later returned and restored Peter, calling him back to the work he was commissioned to do

    • Takeaways

      • God will restore you, dust you off, and clean you up, so that you can be sent off into your ordained destiny.

      • When he does, allow your heart to receive His forgiveness and release the shame so that you can do what He has commissioned you to do!

      • Jesus focused on the assignment at hand when restoring Peter, reminding him of those who were in need of his obedience to the call.

      • Don’t let your shame deprive people of the gifts and knowledge God has placed in you to help them!

Scriptural Affirmations to Combat Shame


Dear Lord,

Thank you for every person watching!

Thank you that you have blessed us with all spiritual blessings and that you chose us before the foundation of the world.

Thank you for making us who we are, for each of us is fearfully and wonderfully made.

Help our souls to know the truth about what you say about us.

Thank you for your promise to forgive our confessed sins and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness.

Please help our hearts to receive your forgiveness and to forgive ourselves so that we may go forth and do what you have called us to do.

Lord, when shame and fear try to pop up in our thoughts, help us to remember that you have not given us the spirit of fear or timidity, but of love, power, and of a sound mind.

Thank you for everything you have for us and for giving us the strength and courage to go out and pursue them, knowing that you are always with us.

We love you, we honor you, and we praise you!

In Jesus’ name,


Written to help you bloom

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