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Hey Garden Fam!

It’s a special week, because I’m coming at you with TWO Wellness Wednesday posts.

This one is an add-on to today’s main post about cleaning house and choosing cleaner household products.

The fragrances we use in our homes can add to the ambiance and intimacy, but can take away from our health if we are not careful. Check out a few suggestions below for some alternative suggestions to eliminate odors and to add in fragrance. I will tell you up front that there is nothing like an essential oil diffuser in my opinion. Not only does it make your space smell great, but you can also strategically select oils to benefit your health in other ways. For example, you can use lavender at night for calming effects or peppermint for focus. You can also purchase or create oil blends for other specific effects. Here are some more options:

Eliminate Odors

Fresh Air
  • Open the windows as often as possible to let fresh air in and odors out

Absorb Odors
Add more plants
  • Plants are natural air purifiers and also can add light fragrances to the space

  • Suggestions for Fragrant Indoor Plants

Introduce New Fragrances

Note: If you decide to try Melaleuca, they have a version of each option listed below as well, so I’d definitely recommend trying those first, but if not, here are a few:

Non-Toxic Air Freshener Spray
  • Grow Fragrance

    • I honestly haven’t tried this one yet, but it has amazing reviews and is a clean option!


Essential Oils

  • Electronic Mist (My favorite type)

    • Great for clearing smells after cooking, introducing a specific scent throughout the space, or for strategic essential oil use, as mentioned above

  • Reed Diffuser

    • Good for a subtle, ongoing scent

  • Essential Oil Burner

    • Great mix between a candle and an essential oil. With the candle burning, it pours the fragrance throughout your space

Non-toxic Candles
  • Look-fors: Organic, nontoxic, paraben-free, phthalate-free, bonus: a cotton wick

Clean(er) Plug-ins

This can be one of the most toxic options for home fragrance, but here are a few that claim to be cleaner. I have not tried them for myself, because I was satisfied with the ones from Melaleuca, but these have pretty good reviews!

Here's to great, healthy home fragrances, Have a healthy and wholesome week!

Love you bunches 🍇

Happy Faith Friday, Garden Fam 💕

I hope you've had a wonderful week!

As you may already know, prayer builds your relationship w/ God by welcoming Him into every aspect of your life. Prayer can also help to increase your faith and serve a multitude of other purposes in your faith journey and your life overall. Check out today's video and the notes below for more insight on prayer and how you can start praying more powerful prayers. If you enjoy today's post or video, please like and share it with a friend who you think may be encouraged.

Love you bunches!

Have a healthy & wholesome weekend 💖


Notes from today's video

Types of Prayer

  • Asking God for something

  • Thanking God for his blessings

Worship and adoration
  • Telling God wonderful He is

Confession and repentance
  • Confessing and repenting of sin, and asking for forgiveness

  • Praying on behalf of someone or a place, like a city, company, government entity, church, etc.

Note: You may touch more than one, or all categories in one prayer

Ways to Pray

  • Candid conversation

  • Inviting God into your day and sharing moments with Him

  • Recommendation: sometimes opt to talk to God about things before calling someone else

    • Note: May also help to minimize gossip and complaining

Vulnerable, Heartfelt Prayers
  • Laying out your heart before God

  • No words? No problem!

    • God understands the language of our tears

      • Psalm 56:8

    • The Holy Spirit prays on our behalf

      • Romans 8:26-27

Momentary Cries for Help
  • Simply, “Help me” or calling on the name of Jesus

    • For protection, insight, strength, encouragement, etc.

Quiet Time with God
  • Prayer is a conversation

  • Sometimes, sit and see if God has anything to say back to you

  • NOT the same as meditation – we are not emptying ourselves to be filled

    • Keep the Word on your mind and your heart open to what the Lord may want to impart to you

The Most Powerful Way to Pray – Pray the Scriptures!

  • Reminds God of His promises

    • Isaiah 43:26

  • A way to pray the perfect will of God

    • John 15:7-8

    • Jesus’ example – Praying that God’s will be done

      • The Lord’s Prayer

        • Matthew 6:10

      • Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane

        • Matthew 26:39

  • Activates the angels on your behalf

    • Psalms 103:20

      • Angels are employed by God to protect us.

        • They only move by His Word.

  • Bonus: Speaking and praying the scriptures can also help in spiritual warfare against the enemy

    • Psalms 94:20-23

    • Use the law aka the Word aka the Sword of the Spirit to crush the enemy!

How to get started

Immerse yourself in God’s Word!
  • Proverbs 7:1-3

  • John 14:26

  • The more you read and hear God’s Word, the more of the Word you will have to draw from with the help of the Holy Spirit!

Research and write down specific scriptures that relay God’s promises in general or that are related to your specific prayer requests
  • Don’t be afraid to pull out notes when praying the scriptures, especially early on!

Just start!
  • There’s no perfect way. If you are quoting God’s Word, and welcoming the help of the Holy Spirit, you can’t go wrong.

It’s okay to use the same scriptures multiple times. God’s word doesn’t change!

Focus Scriptures


Sample Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for being who You are!

You are alpha and omega, the beginning and the end.

You are the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords!

You are such a perfect, loving and compassionate God

We repent of our sins and ask you to forgive us and cleanse us of all unrighteousness, as you promised to do in 1 John 1:9.

We thank you for your Word, which is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our paths.

Please help us to write your words on the tablets of our hearts and thank you in advance that the Ho

ly Spirit will bring your Words to our remembrance when we need them!

Thank you that the Holy Spirit also prays on our behalf with groanings that are in line with your perfect will!

In every situation, we pray that your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!

Thank you for the angels who harken to your Word.

Finally, God, we thank you for equipping us with the full armor of God so that we may stand against the wiles of the enemy.

In Jesus’ name,


Happy Wellness Wednesday, Garden Fam 🌸

I hope you are doing WELL!

Here at The Garden of Epiphani, we believe that our bodies are safer and operate at their best when we minimize toxins and opt for cleaner, healthier, more natural options. God made the earth and its products with us in mind so that we would have what we needed to thrive. As such, why wouldn’t we do what we can to get the most out of the natural resources we have without introducing toxins that weren’t meant to be in or around our bodies?

Though harsh chemicals and toxic ingredients are often found in many of the foods we eat and products we use, it is certainly worth it to make changes over time to minimize the toxins we ingest, use, and come in contact with to maximize our health!

Check out this week’s Wellness Wednesday video to learn about a super cool tool and a few tips for living a cleaner, healthier life.

As always, have a healthy & wholesome week!

Love you bunches 🍇

Focus Verses 💕

Genesis 1:29

And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food."

3 John 1:2

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

Resources 📲

Written to help you bloom

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