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  • Writer's pictureEpiphani

The Garden of Epiphani is BACK! And... we're on YouTube!

Check out our 1st video, to learn more about the basics of cannabis compounds, plants, and strains.

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High There! 👋🏾

If you are reading this, I hope you are doing well! 🌻

It’s been a while since we last sesh’d together, but I am super excited to be back with renewed energy and a refreshed outlook. I’ve missed you all and this space! I needed the time away to finish what I started (my degree), and to further clarify my vision on what I plan to build. Many wonderful things have come out of this quiet season, and I am truly grateful for the growth, achievements, lessons, and blessings! Before I jump back in, here's what I've been up to while I was away...

I graduated! 🎓

Earlier this year, I earned a Master of Science degree in Medical Cannabis Science & Therapeutics from the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. I am honored to say that our class was the first to graduate from the first medical cannabis masters program in the country. I actually started this blog while in that program as a way to document my journey, so I appreciate you all riding with me to the end of that chapter. We did it, y’all!

If you want to know more about the program or even apply, you can check it out here.

I moved across the country! ✈️

As you know, I’m a Maryland girl. I’ve lived there all of my life except my time at Spelman–and one [awful] year in high school in North Carolina. Well, this summer, I sold most of my things and packed up the rest, and said farewell to my home state! A little backstory…

Two years ago, I visited my childhood friend for her birthday. She’s in the military and was stationed here in Las Vegas at the time. I had never been, so I looked forward to exploring, and of course, having a girls’ weekend! Who knew I’d fall in love with the area?! The views and the vibes were captivating! 😍 My friend lived out in the suburbs, so we had a beautiful view of the mountains each morning. Needless to say, I was sold! Between the weather, the mountains, and the palm trees, I knew this would be my next place of residence. It was the first time somewhere felt like home outside of Maryland! Two years later… We live baby! I became a Nevada resident last month and couldn’t be happier that I finally made the move!

Hmu if you’re ever on the wessssst!

I took a break! 🧘🏾‍♀️

This summer, after completing my program, I took a much needed break! I had been going hard for two years straight, really more than that if you count my teaching days. Working full time and attending school full time was no joke, especially since I was really trying to learn and retain the information (and not just pass my classes). Anyway, I knew I needed to rest and recharge before the next season of my life if I wanted to be effective and avoid burnout. I also needed to spend some extra time with God, renew my mindset, and gain clarity on the vision for The Garden of Epiphani, and the impact I hope it will have in the cannabis industry and my community. Lastly, before I continued on doing the next thing, I needed moment just BE... to remind myself that though I can do great work, I am just as valuable when doing nothing as I am when I am producing. Everything from here will be built from that place of clarity and freedom. My quiet summer brought me so much joy; I danced... a lot! I took walks, I read, I vision boarded, I sat in silence and enjoyed nature... God taught me so many things in that time about who I am, who He is, and what things I need to do (& not do) to be successful. I don’t have all of the answers, but I feel so ready for what’s to come and know a few things to be more true than ever:

  1. Rest is valuable! - You are not failing or missing out when you are taking time to rest.

  2. Wisdom is one of the most valuable things one can pray for; God will order your steps if you ask and believe that He will!

  3. Asking questions creates space for finding, discovering, and receiving answers, so I should not fear the unknown, but rather embrace it!

With that being said, rest and recalibration is an important part of the process of preparing to achieve your goals, especially when attempting to go where you’ve never gone and do what you’ve never done. Make time to rest & recharges, sis!

In conclusion, thank you God for a wonderful year and a big shout out to my tribe who has supported me! Thank y’all for holding me down. You can expect new blogs, posts, and presentations to help us along our cannabis and health & wellness journeys, so stay tuned! In the meantime, sign up to get emails from The Garden.

2022, I’m ready for you! ✨

Shoutout to these Black women entrepreneurs who provided insight and guidance in their areas of expertise: self-development, cannabis, healing and manifestation, and business. Not only am I inspired by them, but I have also learned a lot from them! Black women make the world go 'round. 💞✨


1. Brittany Lackey and Germani Manning (@theblackgirlbravadopod) are hosts of my favorite podcast, The Black Girl Bravado, “a motivating and encouraging podcast for colorful women alike.” I started listening to this podcast a few years ago during one of the most difficult times in my life and career thus far. Brittany and Germani’s thoughtful topics, research, and candid conversation have helped me to learn so much about selfcare, self-awareness, building the life I want, and overall navigating the world as a young Black millennial woman. They are like my audio mentors; they open my mind to new ideas and ways of thinking, call me out when needed, and encourage me to show up authentically as my best self. Listening to this podcast helped me to grow more comfortable in embracing my truth, which led to me coming out of the cannabis closet and fully pursuing my life’s desires (and starting this blog, of course! 😜). Shoutout to these ladies! Make sure you check them out!

2. Jen Jackson (@bejubie) is the founder and CEO of Be Jubie, a Maryland-based CBD business. I learned about Jen and Be Jubie at The 4|20 Experience, where Jen spoke on a panel about entering and differentiating in the CBD/Hemp industry. I’ve heard Jen speak quite a few times since then and even had the opportunity to host a webinar with her recently; it is always a pleasure and I always leave knowing a little more than before. Jen’s story stuck out to me, because she recently left a much more traditional career background but had chosen to take a leap of faith and pursue her CBD business full time. It was refreshing and inspiring to hear about her journey from the safety of her 9-to-5 to successfully running her business full-time. I also loved hearing how she balances building and running her business, remaining present with family, and finding time for self-care. Make sure you follow and check out her CBD products!

3. Kanique Swinson (@kaniquesochic), my high school friend, and founder of Soul Sister Network, "a network for women of color dedicated to manifestation, healing, mindfulness, & connection." Kanique launched Soul Sister Network at the end of 2019 and the execution and growth she’s manifested has been extremely admirable! Not only am I proud of her, but I have also been incredibly inspired by her audacity to get started, her powerful posts and newsletters, the weekly Master Manifestors sessions she hosts on Instagram, and the variety of other events she has hosted for women of color looking to heal and manifest their wildest dreams! Kanique is a force to be reckoned with and she wishes that same energy for all women. I’m excited to see what Soul Sister Network will grow into in the coming years! If you aren't following, you need to be!

4. Marli Crowe (@marlicrowe), founder and CEO of Crowe Career Services, a business offering assistance with resumes and cover letters, coaching, and styling, and C.Suite, a work wear fashion boutique. Not only has she sought to help others by creating business services that people need, but she’s also committed to using her platforms to share career and business tips. I attended Marli’s Crowe Crash Course, a webinar outlining everything you need to know to start an online boutique and gained such valuable insight on the logistics of planning for an online business. Though Marli’s business focuses on fashion, the class was still very applicable to online stores in other industries. It’s always a great thing to see your peers thriving in excellence, especially when that peer is a Spelman sis! Check her out for your career and business needs, y'all!

Thanks for stopping by to study with me!

- Epiphani 🌱

Written to help you bloom

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