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Happy Sunday, Garden Fam 🌸

I pray you are doing WELL!

Today’s message is just a reminder that we must be mindful of the words we speak about or over someone while they are still in bondage or not [yet] saved.

There are people that will be a part of the Jesus’ sheepfold, or who already are, but are on a journey of sanctification and/or deliverance. No matter how much sin, ignorance, or spiritual blindness someone may be walking in today, there’s no limit to what Jesus can do! We must be mindful not to cast final judgment upon others, or throw away hope that their reality will change. Jesus says there are sheep who are not yet in the sheepfold but will be… Therefore, we must be mindful not to speak idle, harmful words in a season where we can’t yet see what God desires to do in their lives.

Yes, we must operate in wisdom about who we are in close relationship with, who we take advice from, etc., but we don’t want to later be judged for idle words against one of God’s chosen just because we met them before they were saved, before they were delivered, or before they were sanctified.

I publicly repent if I have ever done so, and I encourage all to repent as well!

God desires that none should perish, but that all will be brought to repentance. As such, we should desire the same & our words should reflect that (or we shouldn’t be speaking at all). So in other works, speak life or zip it!

Love you 💞


John 10:16 NLT

“I have other sheep, too, that are not in this sheepfold. I must bring them also. They will listen to my voice, and there will be one flock with one shepherd.”

Matthew 12:36-37 NLT

“And I tell you this, you must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak. The words you say will either acquit you or condemn you.””

2 Peter 3:9 NLT

“The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.”

Watch the Video

Happy Wellness Wednesday, Garden Fam 🌸

I originally wrote this to and for myself, so clearly I needed it first, but I’m sharing it here for those who may need to be strengthened in their faith as well… true faith.

From my personal journal entry, written on Monday, Sept. 18th…

Sooo, whole thought loop that I won’t waste time and space listing here… but it led me to John 2:24, which basically talks about how people in Jerusalem during Passover believed in Jesus when they saw the miracles He performed. It talks about how Jesus didn’t trust them, though, because He “knew the nature of man.”

Initially, this scripture highlighted to me the fact that Jesus loved everyone, but HE did not trust everyone, because He knew their nature(s). That’s definitely still very valid, but today, in reading it, the Lord highlighted another aspect of it concerning faith. The commentary on verses 23-25 says, “Jesus’ knowledge of human nature pierces the superficiality of faith in Him on account of His miracles.”

Here’s what I know, the Lord will def use miracles at times to draw people to Himself, but also, we see over and over that Jesus was NOT in the business of proving Himself to people who already had dout in their hearts and minds, and were looking for Him to prove Himself before believing. I believe the miracles He performed were, of course, for the benefit of the person healed, set free, etc., but also to witness to those whose hearts were already prompted for belief, and not to disprove disbelievers. We see many times (if not all) that the faith and belief of the person, or at least their friends, parents, etc. was needed. Jesus didn’t mind helping people in their unbelief concerning the possibility of things changing as long as they believed in Him and who He said He was. I believe it’s the same way for us today.

Signs, miracles, and wonders should very well be a regular part of the Christian life, in our churches, in our homes, in our communities, etc. for the benefit of those in need and for drawing people in to the Lord… but not as an instrument to change the minds of those who are already set on disbelieving. Unfortunately, that includes [disbelieving] Christians, too. God doesn’t mind us asking Him to help us increase our faith for the next big thing He’s promised, but HE surely won’t be tap dancing for anyone who takes the stance that they’ll believe Him when they see it, whatever “it” may be. That’s not faith!

As such, I believe God is increasing the faith of His children in this hour. HE is stretching our resolve to believe in Him, His power, and who He is before we see anything. Over are the days of getting by on superficial “faith” that believes only because we saw. The Lord has always been looking for and resting upon those who believed in Him without ever seeing the thing come to pass… [those who believed in Him before He even began to share His promises to them]. Our faith rests on the back of Abraham, who chose to believe in a God he’d never even heard of before, and who died believing God would continue to fulfill the generational promises He had made to Abram.

Luke 1:45 says, “Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord.” We are blessed when we believe what God says before we ever see it. And we can believe what He says when we truly believe in Him. God is always going to do His part, but will we choose to have true faith in Him enough to know and rest in that? Or do we have superficial faith that needs a sign, miracle, or wonder before we’ll consider believing?

If you’ve been lingering in option 2, I invite you today to develop true faith that believes before ever seeing anything. Build your faith on the solid rock, Jesus Christ, and rest assured that it’s a firm foundation!

Love you bunches,

Rhaven Epiphani 💞

Hey Garden Fam,

We touched on this a bit in this video, but with today's faith topic, I wanted to also share these specific details for those who are newly saved and/or those who need a reminder of this reality and how to overcome the voice of 'the accuser'. I pray it blesses you and strengthens your walk with Jesus and your resolve in knowing you have been made new in Him!

Love you bunches 💞

Just so you are not caught off guard...

Accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior is the most wonderful decision you can make in life! In doing so, I do want to warn you that unfortunately, not everyone will be happy that you’ve chosen to follow Jesus.

Once you accept Jesus Christ and begin to yield to the Holy Spirit, Satan will inevitably arise with accusations based on who you were or what you’ve done in the past. He will either do this through a person or just in the Spirit. He may even try to misconstrue your current actions now that you are living for the Lord.All of this happened to Jesus and now, with Him living within us, we can expect the same. When this happens, you must know with assurance that you’ve been forgiven, and that by accepting Jesus Christ, you have been made new. The old you is dead!

Psalm 103:12 says that “He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west.” It is the devil who is the accuser of the brethren. Only the devil is upset to see people repent. Only the devil is pressed to hang on to the old man that dies when someone accepts Jesus Christ as Lord. Only the devil wants to continue to recount someone’s sins and dispositions from before they accepted Jesus or before He developed the fruits of His Spirit within them…Woe to the one who is determined to constantly being up what God has thrown far away... But that is the nature of the devil and his demons. 🤷🏾‍♀️

When the voice of the accuser rises up, either within you or around you, recognize that it is not the voice of God! God would not seek to condemn us for sins we have confessed and He has forgiven. God corrects us and redirects us. He convicts us when we are wrong, but once we have confessed and turned away, He is no longer interested in remembering the old. He focuses on guiding us into the new. When condemnation or accusations are thrown at you, intentionally choose to hide under the shadows of the sacrifice Jesus made for you. You don’t need to justify yourself or try to outdo the old works with “good works.” You simply need to rest in knowing that your sins have been forgiven. You simply need to know that you are in right standing with God because you’ve accepted Jesus Christ. You simply need to continue following the leading of the Holy Spirit. You can also speak Isaiah 54:17 and condemn the voices of accusations against you… you are a child of God now and that is your heritage! Don't allow the enemy to steal or mute the joy of your new life or growth in Christ. Silence him with the Word & continue rejoicing!

Pray for Your Enemies & Rejoice When Others Repent

Jesus desires that none perish, but that all come to repentance — as such, that is what we should want as well. We should all rejoice when we see others repenting and turning back to God. Posture your heart to celebrate when people repent and come to Jesus, even those who once positioned themselves as your enemy. Pray for your enemies & rejoice if you see them repent and escape the wrath & judgment of God. You’ve escaped the eternal judgment of God because of grace by your faith in Jesus Christ. It was literally a free gift to you. Why wouldn’t you want that for someone else?

Written to help you bloom

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