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  • Writer's pictureEpiphani

5 Ways to Care for Your Health in 2022!

Updated: Dec 27, 2022

Happy New Year, Ladies!

I hope you had a safe, enjoyable holiday and are feeling ready to take on 2022! It’s that time of the year again. Many of us are making resolutions and setting the tone for the next 12 months, making plans to start doing new things, or to continue what we started in 2021. This year, and every year, taking care of our bodies should be at the top of our list of priorities. Commit to making your health a priority this year by:

  • Moving your body

  • Nourishing your body

  • Resting your body

  • Checking on your body

  • Listening to your body


Oooh, Move your Body, girl! *Nina Sky voice*

Do your best to get active for at least 25-30 minutes about 3-5 times each week. Remember, your workout regimen can be as simple and enjoyable as you make it. So make it fun and get active this year!

  • Dance

    • Have a dance party, attend a dance class, or learn a choreographed dance online

  • Walking

    • Go for a walk in your neighborhood

    • Walk to the store instead of driving

    • Visit a museum or be a tourist in your (walkable) city

    • Do some window-shopping–walk around the mall or outlets a few times

    • Take the stairs instead of the elevator

  • Do a guided workout on YouTube or an app like FitOn

  • Work from home? Break up your workday with jumping jacks, pushups, burpees, or sit ups during breaks

    • Look up the pomodoro technique for a cool work flow

  • Do the things you loved as a child

    • Skating

    • Laser tag

    • Riding your bike

  • Join an adult sports team

  • Do your chores

    • Cleaning the house can be a great source of exercise


Nourish your Body

Drink your water and eat foods that give your body more of what it needs and less of what it doesn’t. Eat foods daily with a healthy balance of:

  • Vegetables

    • For vitamins, minerals, fiber, and carbs

  • Fruits

    • For vitamin C, carotenes (immune system enhancers), folates (healthy cells), and carbohydrates

  • Breads & Cereals

    • For complex carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, iron, and B vitamins

  • Milk & Dairy (or substitutes)

    • For calcium, magnesium, protein, and vitamins A, B6, and B12

  • Meats & Proteins

    • For iron, zinc, protein, and B vitamins

  • Fats (oils)

    • For fatty acids

  • Fatty & Sugary foods

    • For pleasure, in moderation of course! 😊

Rest your Body

Rest and sleep are integral parts of health! Don’t forget to take mental and physical breaks this year, and to get enough quality sleep each night. During sleep, your body undergoes many processes that are important for optimal health, such as cell restoration and muscle repair. Get better sleep this year by implementing new sleep routines like setting a bed time, avoiding blue light for at least 30 minutes before bed, and sleeping in the dark. Look out for our future post on how to get better sleep. Until then, rest well, sis!


Check on your Body

This year and every year, make sure you are checking in on your body both by doing self checks at home and going to see specialists at the recommended cadence.

Self Checks:

  • Breast Exam – Monthly

  • Heart Rate Check-in – Daily in the morning

  • Blood Pressure – Bi-annually for women ages 20-39 years and annually for women 40+ years

  • Check your skin for moles and other abnormalities – Monthly

Go See the Doctor:

  • Physical Exam

    • Ages 19-21 – Every 2-3 years

    • Ages 22-64 – Every 1-3 years

    • Ages 65+ – Once a year

  • Pap Smear

    • Ages 21-65 years – Every 3 years

      • Women over 30 may choose to get this exam every 5 years

  • Mammogram

    • Ages 45-54 years – Annually

    • Ages 55+ – Bi-annually

  • STD Screening

    • At least annually, and between sexual partners

  • Dental Exam

    • Cleaning and check-up – Every 6 months

    • X-rays – Annually

Note: Check to see what exams your insurance covers and how often. Take advantage of any other covered services and exams not listed here. If you don’t have insurance, check out alternative options to help you keep your health in check!


Most importantly, Listen to your Body

When your body is thirsty, give her water.

When your body is hungry, feed her. When she’s full, stop.

When your body is tired, give her rest. When she’s energized, get up and moooove!

When your body is feeling “off” in any way, don’t ignore her. Investigate!

When your body is giving you signals, listen and try to figure out what she’s trying to tell you. It may take some time to begin to recognize when your body is talking to you and why, but be patient and keep listening until you learn her voice.


Remember, being healthy is a journey of continuously making the most healthy choices for yourself. So, give yourself grace and leave the guilt trips out of it. Every day, every meal, and really, every hour is an opportunity to give your body what she needs. Resist the urge to feel shame for “falling off” or to wait until tomorrow, next week, or next month to “hop back on the wagon.” Do what your body will appreciate now and later, and quickly forgive yourself and bounce back from the moments when you don’t.

Good luck on your health journey this year! Let’s do it! 💪🏾





I am here to empower you to take charge of your health and wellness journey, and to equip you with knowledge and information to help you be successful. I am simply a peer who has done the research so you don’t have to, but I am NOT a licensed medical professional and TGOE is NOT meant to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any disease, nor is it designed to replace advice you receive from your healthcare provider. Please be sure to do your own follow up research and/or work with your trusted medical personnel before making any major changes. 💕

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