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  • Writer's pictureEpiphani

Be Transformed by the Renewing of your Mind 💆🏾‍♀️💭

In today’s video, we are continuing our deliverance series, where we’ve been highlighting practical steps for obtaining and maintaining FREEDOM through Jesus Christ. This week, we talk about the process of being transformed by the renewing of your mind. The mindsets we carried in the world, in sin, in bondage aren’t suitable or conducive for the Kingdom of God. So, as we learn the knowledge of God (Kingdom wisdom and understanding), we must undergo an intentional transformation in the way we think in every area of our lives in order to fully walk in our freedom and into our God-given destiny!

I pray this video blesses whoever it is meant to reach. Please like, comment, subscribe, and share with your tribe!

Love you bunches 💖

Focus Scriptures

Anchor Scripture: Romans 12:2

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Isaiah 55:8-9

1 Corinthians 10:5-6

Philippians 4:8

Proverbs 3:5-6 (whole chapter, really!)

Want to read about the biblical transformation stories I mentioned? Check out the passages below.

Abraham - Starting at Genesis 12

The Israelites - Exodus

Ruth - She had her own book 😌

Esther - She has her own book, too 😌

Paul - Acts 9

Jesus’ Disciples - Read the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John)

Watch the Video

Practical Steps for Renewing Your Mind

  • Make a commitment to this intentional process of changing your mind and letting go of whatever doesn’t align with God’s Kingdom.

    • You may not even know what all of this entails at the beginning, but commit to the process of finding out and following through.

  • Pray and ask God to order your footsteps and teach you His ways. Ask Him to point out mindsets, habits, etc. that won’t be conducive to your relationship and future in Him.

  • Know that it is okay to not have all the answers at first

    • It was be a process to bring all areas of your life to Kingdom alignment

    • There may be a period of time between unlearning the old and relearning the new — it’s okay not to know it all during that time.

      • God will reveal the things you need to know in His timing.

  • Guard your ear and eye gates always, but more particularly as God is remolding your thinking in certain areas.

    • This is not just guarding your gates from open doors to the enemy, but also shielding your intake as you are allowing God to teach you and transform your mindsets in certain areas.

      • Advice in any area can be good, but it can also cloud your hearing and judgment if you haven’t solidified your foundation. It can also create unnecessary noise in the moments when God wants to speak to you directly, so just be mindful.

  • Take every thought captive and make it submit to the obedience of Christ!

    • Don’t just accept every thought. Actively filter through them.

    • Eliminate what is not fitting and replace it with correct thoughts that align with what God says.

    • Ask yourself: Is it noble? Pure? Lovely? Of good report? Virtuous? Praiseworthy? TRUE? If not, refer to the two points above.

  • Don’t conform!

    • In unlearning the world’s ways and relearning Kingdom ways, you may find that you are the only one or one of very few (from what you can see around you) that’s thinking and doing thing’s God’s way

      • Resist the urge to shrink back into old ways just to fit in

      • Resist the thoughts that you’re crazy for believing what God says about things

      • Resist the urge to let your logic choke out God’s voice, Word, and instructions!

  • Trust in the Lord with alls your heart, mind, and strength! Lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path!

Be blessed on your journey, beloved 😘💕

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