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  • Writer's pictureEpiphani

Covering Our Sisters in LOVE 💞

“And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins.”

I Peter 4:8 NKJV

Y’all, sometimes we have to cover our sisters , even in their mess!

Kinda similar to what we talked about in this video, when you cross paths with someone, they may not yet know Jesus, or they may know Him, but may not have yet matured in character and love
 but that doesn’t mean that they won’t anytime soon & even if they never do (God-forbid), we must be intentional and led by the Holy Spirit in how we deal with others. In this case, we’re specifically focusing on how to respond when others hurt, betray, or offend us. There is something gracious and compassionate about 'covering' others (ie. not exposing them) in their flaws & sins, even the super “ugly,” hurtful ones. I’m sure there are people that don’t want to hear this, but this also applies to those who have blatantly set themselves up as our ‘enemies!’

(Clearly God has us on a character-development wave lately, lol!)

Covering our sisters may look like

  • Genuinely praying for someone’s growth, enlightenment, or even healing (because we know that hurt people really do hurt people) vs. hoping they “get what they deserve”

  • Choosing not to gossip about them or even to share the dirty details of how they’ve treated you

    • Not in an unhealthy, “protect the family molester” kind of way đŸ™…đŸŸâ€â™€ïž

    • But rather, sharing only what is necessary for your healing and recovery from the situation without taking the opportunity to trash or bash them

      • & choosing to only share with a neutral, trustworthy party

  • When it’s really bad, the most you may be able to do is to choose to say nothing, even when you really have the “right” to say everything!

Here’s what I’ll have you to know though

  • Many times, this is an act you do in integrity and love for God.

    • The other person may never know or acknowledge this act of kindness, and worse, they may continue to do and say ugly things, whether knowingly or in ignorance

    • Continue to walk uprightly in love anyway.

    • Continue to be the bigger person.

  • There may be times when “covering” someone requires exposing the situation to necessary parties for their safety, for yours, or for both
 or because it becomes necessary to follow the protocol outlined in the Bible for escalation to and through the body of Christ.

    • Check out Matthew 18:15-17 for more details

  • It probably (definitely 😬) won’t feel good and a part of your flesh will definitely die in the process

    • Can you say ‘pruning & refining’?

  • You may need to recover emotionally and/or mentally from the person’s words or actions

    • This doesn’t make you weak or unspiritual

    • Taking the high road of love doesn’t mean that the offense, the slander, the attack, betrayal, etc. doesn’t hurt—we’re still human after all, and women at that!

    • However, taking the way of character and integrity keeps you in the safety and protection of God’s graces, and choosing not to take matters into our own hands gives way to wrath, allowing vengeance (or restoration) to truly be the Lord’s, whatever He may choose to do.

      • But don't stew in it or let it consume you (more guidance on that below).

When faced with a situation, such as slander, an offense, an attack, a betrayal, etc

  • Seek the Lord for how you should respond, if at all, and do what He says.

  • As you await His instructions, choose to cover your sister — resist the urge to gossip, slander, or “cancel.”

  • If this is someone meant to be in your life going forward (and even sometimes if not), be willing to have a conversation to bring reconciliation and help you move forward.

    • Even in this conversation, covering them may look like addressing the hurt and relevant actions, but not necessarily going down the line of all of their flaws or everything they’ve ever done.

  • Address and seek healing from the wounds that may have been inflicted by their words or actions.

    • Intentionally forgive (even if you never get an apology).

    • Journal about it if needed.

    • Intentionally let go and move forward to a new beginning, whether it be with or without the other person.

  • Continue to move in honor and integrity with the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

    • Be led by the Spirit & not by the flesh

Let’s be real though

The truth is, not everyone is actually our ‘sister’ (especially not in every season) — some people don’t truly have our best interest at heart and don’t share God’s intentions (yet). Nevertheless, as Kingdom Ambassadors, we must still operate in the ways outlined above, while also operating in wisdom in both the spiritual and natural realms.

“Pray for the person; bind the spirit(s) operating through them!”

Remember that in all things, the goal is to please and be approved by God, not man.

Let this truth direct your words and actions.

May you be found faithful đŸ™đŸŸđŸ’ž

Love you bunches!

P.S. This isn't just something I'm picking on y'all about, lol.

It's something I've actually had to learn in real time, so I'm right there with you!

We're becoming more Christ-like together đŸ€—


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