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  • Writer's pictureEpiphani

🖐🏾 Habits that Make My Day

Do you have a morning routine? Are there certain things you must do daily to be successful and to show up as your best self? Building a morning routine and more so, daily habits was one of the first things I dove into during my healing journey and now, these same habits continue to benefit me and really set my day off to a great start!

Today, I’m letting you in on a little of my morning and sharing 🖐🏾 habits that make my day, along with why I do them / what they do for me. If anything resonates with you, feel free to claim it and implement it in your life. Even if not, I hope it gets you thinking about what you already do, or maybe could do going forward to show up and take the day!

Love you bunches 💞

🖐🏾 Habits that Make My Day

Reading the scripture of the day before I do (or read) anything else
  • Even though I do have more intimate time with God later in my morning…

    • It’s a small way of acknowledging and putting God first in my life and my day

    • It ensures God’s voice is the first I take in.

Laying in bed for a few extra mins.
  • I know many other gurus say that it’s best to jump out of bed at the first sound of your alarm clock, but I have ALWAYS been a tiered alarm kinda girl.

  • One, I like to alert myself 15-30 mins before it’s time to wake up and then get those last couple mins of sleep. (Kinda like, hey, it’s almost time to wake up… but not yet girl, so snooze away! lol)

  • Two, once I’m awake, I like to lay in be for a few minutes to...

    • Wake my brain up — because you know sometimes, we wake up like, who am i? Where am I? What’s going on? lol

    • Write down or voice record any dreams I had

    • Provide space for God to speak to me about my dreams and/or guidance He has for my day

    • Check my calendar and mentally prepare for what’s ahead (and sometimes start thinking about what I’ll wear)

Making my bed
  • As soon as I get up, I make up my bed (unless it’s Sunday, then I’m washing my sheets 😄)

  • Even when my room gets a little junky on those busy weeks, a made up bed holds it together a bit and brings order to the (temporary) chaos.

  • I also like a clean palette to lay my clothes on before getting dressed.

  • Plus…

    • Making my bed minimizes the temptation to get back in it, and

    • Who doesn’t like to snuggle into a made up bed at the end of a long day 😌

Opening my blinds
  • Letting the sun in is a key to setting my atmosphere (& really notifying my body that it’s time to really wake up)

  • I favor natural light over artificial—as much as I can do by sunlight, I will before turning on a light (and tha’ts all day)

  • Not only is the sun good for you (vitamin D and other nutrients), but also, for me, it’s another way of letting God in (NOT the “sun god”—who dat?— but the one true God who created the sun).

    • There’s something special about nature overall, it’s like a tangible way of seeing the Hand of God, and I need that in my life on the daily!

Having breakfast
  • Major key alert!

  • When I’m not fasting, having breakfast is absolutely necessary for me!

  • One, it fuels the first half of my day.

  • This is where I can intentionally load up on nutrients my body needs

    • I do want to get to a point where every meal consistently is healthy and nutrient-rich.

      • I do my best, but tbh, I haven’t 100% found my flow with meal prep and shopping to make that a consistent reality… yet.

    • So long story long, breakfast is my superstar meal that holds down the fort just in case lunch and dinner fall short.

  • My favorite way to do this is with a smoothie.

    • You can throw so much in there — fruit (take your pick of vitamins & minerals), spinach (or other veggies), yogurt (hello probiotics), seeds (fiber power!), protein (💪🏾), powdered supplements, and whatever else you want or need at the time!

  • Sometimes, I’ll also pack some oatmeal or overnight oats, especially if I know I have lots to do and won’t have lunch for a while.

Scriptural Affirmations
  • I pull scriptures based on the season I am in or ones God leads me to, and read them aloud—some daily, and some weekly.

    • Sometimes I personalize them with 1st person pronouns (I, me, etc) and other times, I just read them as they’re written.

  • Faith comes by hearing, so it’s a way to establish and strengthen my faith in what God has said.

  • Saying it aloud as an affirmation is also like making a decree and speaking it over myself and my life.

    • It’s basically a way to say what God says about me and my life, and to show that I agree with His Word and plans.

Keeping my phone on DND until after quiet time with God!
  • I am definitely pro-block out all the noise!

  • I started doing this even before we had the DND feature on our phones—I would just resolve to not read any messages, answer any calls, or go on social media (when I had it) until my morning routine was complete and I had already set the tone for my day.

  • Initially, I did it because I was worn out by people or news swaying my mood and focus before I could even establish myself for the day.

    • It would throw me off!

  • I recognize the importance of getting anchored daily before letting in the winds and waves of life, people, work, etc.

    • I find that when I allow myself time to wake up, be fed by God, and fuel my mind and body, I am much more ready to take on the world, and to actually do so with grace and kindness.

      • It’s really as much for everyone I am to interact with that day as it is for me 😄

There are a few other things that are a part of my morning routine, but these are my main non-negotiables. I need these 🖐🏾 e’ery day to be successful!

What do you do every morning that makes your day?

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