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  • Writer's pictureEpiphani

Do Not Be Surprised or Caught Off Guard: Defeating the Accuser

Hey Garden Fam,

We touched on this a bit in this video, but with today's faith topic, I wanted to also share these specific details for those who are newly saved and/or those who need a reminder of this reality and how to overcome the voice of 'the accuser'. I pray it blesses you and strengthens your walk with Jesus and your resolve in knowing you have been made new in Him!

Love you bunches 💞

Just so you are not caught off guard...

Accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior is the most wonderful decision you can make in life! In doing so, I do want to warn you that unfortunately, not everyone will be happy that you’ve chosen to follow Jesus.

Once you accept Jesus Christ and begin to yield to the Holy Spirit, Satan will inevitably arise with accusations based on who you were or what you’ve done in the past. He will either do this through a person or just in the Spirit. He may even try to misconstrue your current actions now that you are living for the Lord.All of this happened to Jesus and now, with Him living within us, we can expect the same. When this happens, you must know with assurance that you’ve been forgiven, and that by accepting Jesus Christ, you have been made new. The old you is dead!

Psalm 103:12 says that “He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west.” It is the devil who is the accuser of the brethren. Only the devil is upset to see people repent. Only the devil is pressed to hang on to the old man that dies when someone accepts Jesus Christ as Lord. Only the devil wants to continue to recount someone’s sins and dispositions from before they accepted Jesus or before He developed the fruits of His Spirit within them…Woe to the one who is determined to constantly being up what God has thrown far away... But that is the nature of the devil and his demons. 🤷🏾‍♀️

When the voice of the accuser rises up, either within you or around you, recognize that it is not the voice of God! God would not seek to condemn us for sins we have confessed and He has forgiven. God corrects us and redirects us. He convicts us when we are wrong, but once we have confessed and turned away, He is no longer interested in remembering the old. He focuses on guiding us into the new. When condemnation or accusations are thrown at you, intentionally choose to hide under the shadows of the sacrifice Jesus made for you. You don’t need to justify yourself or try to outdo the old works with “good works.” You simply need to rest in knowing that your sins have been forgiven. You simply need to know that you are in right standing with God because you’ve accepted Jesus Christ. You simply need to continue following the leading of the Holy Spirit. You can also speak Isaiah 54:17 and condemn the voices of accusations against you… you are a child of God now and that is your heritage! Don't allow the enemy to steal or mute the joy of your new life or growth in Christ. Silence him with the Word & continue rejoicing!

Pray for Your Enemies & Rejoice When Others Repent

Jesus desires that none perish, but that all come to repentance — as such, that is what we should want as well. We should all rejoice when we see others repenting and turning back to God. Posture your heart to celebrate when people repent and come to Jesus, even those who once positioned themselves as your enemy. Pray for your enemies & rejoice if you see them repent and escape the wrath & judgment of God. You’ve escaped the eternal judgment of God because of grace by your faith in Jesus Christ. It was literally a free gift to you. Why wouldn’t you want that for someone else?


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