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  • Writer's pictureEpiphani

The Just Shall Be Delivered through Knowledge

Happy Faith Friday, Garden Fam 🌸

In today’s video, we are continuing our deliverance series, where we’ve been highlighting practical steps for obtaining and maintaining FREEDOM through Jesus Christ. This week, we talk about another major key to getting and staying free and that is KNOWLEDGE. This is not the knowledge of the world, but Godly wisdom, understanding, and discernment from the Word and Spirit of God.

Parts of our deliverance may happen in a moment, but others may occur overtime. This step normally occurs over time as we study God’s Word and spend time in His presence. His truth replaces our opinions. His ways take precedent over anything we thought we knew before. Gaining Godly, heavenly knowledge require humility before God, coming to Him as a little child and allowing Him to teach you. Over time, you will notice a shift.

This video must be for somebody, because it was a struggle to record today. Nevertheless, the Holy Spirit came through, so I pray whoever this is for is blessed, encouraged, and even set free in Jesus’ name!

Love you bunches 💕

Key Scriptures

Proverbs 11:9b
Galatians 2:16
Romans 3:23-24
Romans 5:1
Psalm 111:1
Ephesians 5:26
John 17:17
Psalm 119:105
Hebrews 4:12


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