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  • Writer's pictureEpiphani

Sometimes God does it for You… Sometimes He Gives You Dunamis 💣

Happy Wellness Wednesday, Garden Fam! 🌸

Oftentimes, when I am reading the Bible or even listening to sermons, I am not only listening for guidance from the Holy Spirit concerning what I am reading and hearing, but also asking Him, “What do you want for me to take away from this overall today?” My takeaway from something my mentor taught this week is that ‘sometimes God does it for you and sometimes, He gives you dunamis. In other words, sometimes, He works a miracle on your behalf, and at other times, He deposits a measure of His power within you and guides you to go forth and accomplish whatever needs to be done. Both of these are miraculous and supernatural in nature, and should be appreciated as such.

Sometimes, if we’re used to God operating in one way in our lives, it can be hard to embrace and flow with Him in another direction. If we’re not careful, we may be waiting for Him to move one way and totally missing the fact that that’s not how He’s doing it in this season or situation. That is why I wanted to share this revelation with you today. Concerning the things God has promised you and the assignments He has given you, ask Him what your role and responsibility(s) are in bringing it to pass. Ask Him to show you, in His timing of course, whether He will accomplish that thing supernaturally by His hand alone, or supernaturally by His grace operating through you. Overall, ask Him to order your footsteps, so that even when it is not in His will to reveal all of the details to you, you can rest assured that you are in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing(s).

God knows how He created each of us, who He has molded us to be, and what He has deposited in each of us. He takes that into account, along with the details of His overall plan, when determining which way He will bring about your miracle or promise. Whichever way He chooses to do “the thing” remember to give thanks every step of the way. And if you’re in a situation where He has given you dunamis and directed you to go forth and use it, don’t grow weary in well-doing. Remember that you have been given everything you need in Him… It won’t be done by your power or strength, but by His Spirit!

I pray this brief message has blessed you in your journey! Check out some of the scriptures below for more on this topic. Of course, there are many more scriptures and passages on this topic than captured here, so as always, I encourage you to continue in your own Bible study on the topic and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in how this applies to you in this season and in various situations in your life.

Have a healthy & wholesome week,

Love you bunches 💞


Deuteronomy 8:18

Zechariah 4:6

Luke 1:31-35

Luke 10:19

Acts 1:8

2 Corinthians 9:8


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