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  • Writer's pictureEpiphani

Don't Force, but Embrace!

You don’t have to FORCE what God has for you…
But you do have to intentionally embrace it & allow it to be!

Amos 3:3 says, “Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?”

Can we walk with God and step into His plans for us if we don’t agree to do so?

God kinda checked me about this a couple weeks ago. I wasn’t blatantly disagreeing with God, but I also wasn’t fully embracing His plans for me, either. The quote above is what the Holy Spirit told me in that moment. You don’t have to force, manipulate, beg, borrow, or steal for what God has already ordained for your life, but you do have to intentionally agree and obey His instructions. You do have to choose to embrace His plans and believe His words, and if there is a struggle to do so for any reason, we can always be vulnerable with our Father and ask for His help to align our hearts, minds, will, emotions, and actions with His will & plans. That’s where I’m at this week, month, year, etc.

A Prayer of Agreement with God

“Lord, I choose to embrace every plan you have for me, including the journey to get there. When it gets rough, I choose to trust You anyway and to lean into You for assurance and strength. Father, when unbelief, doubt, or discouragement try to arise within me, I lay them at your feet and humbly ask you to help my unbelief. In Jesus’ name!”

Love you bunches,

Have a healthy & wholesome week 💞

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