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  • Writer's pictureEpiphani

Releasing Control for Full Submission | Sharing My Heart in this Season 💖

Can I be honest with y’all for a minute?!

As someone who was once accustomed to setting goals, relentlessly going after them, accomplishing them, and then repeating the cycle, transitioning to this new season of submission to God’s plan for me has been a BEAUTIFUL, yet challenging process in many ways.

It’s almost like rebuilding who I am… actually, it is that. It’s a stripping away of everything that has attached itself to “who I am” that doesn’t align with who God says I am (or that doesn’t align with who God says I need to be going forward). It’s a beautiful blessing to see the care He’s been taking in molding me, pruning me, and taking me through the refiners fire, so that only the parts He envisioned remain. But WHEW!

I’d be lying if I said that it wasn’t somewhat challenging to hold back when I know there is so much more I could be doing. To say ‘no’ to things I know I could very easily say ‘yes’ to. To “miss” opportunities I know I could easily be taking.

However, this is where TRUST & FAITH have been my foundation to stand and wait on. I’ve done MANY things well, but in this season, I can’t afford to just be out here doing things & checking boxes. I’m simply not allowed, to be honest. God has shown me glimpses and whispered insight about where He’s taking me, but the thing is, the promise, the dream, the vision always comes before the manifestation of what God has spoken or shown you.

Abraham & Sarah waited DECADES for the son God promised him.

Joseph had dreams YEARS before he saw them come to pass.

Even David was anointed to be king LONG before he actually took the throne.

There are many more stories like this in the Bible.

In this season, it brings me joy to embrace God’s plans for me as my own, and also, it has required an intentional focus, and an intentional letting go. Focusing on what He has said, and letting go of anything that is not that, even the good ideas that don’t align with God’s ideas.

In a world where every other advertisement is saying, “HEY! GO! DO!” my challenge in this season has been to remain faithful in the gap between “anointed” & “appointed,” between “promise” and “manifestation” (of His plans, not my own). It’s required me to watch & happily congratulate my peers as they go forth and walk into the fullness of their gifts and assignments, while intentionally not allowing myself to feel the need to rush or “catch up.” It has also required me to block out the voices of those trying to rush this moment, thinking I’m stuck or confused because they’re used to me constantly producing. I know they mean well, but I also know they can’t see what is going on behind the scenes, and it's my responsibility to steward this season well. God’s timing is perfect and if He’s saying to wait, or "stay right here and do this thing," I must trust that I won’t be “too late” for anything.

Btw, this is NOT me saying to wait for those God has told to “GO!” If this is your 'Go!' season and you haven't gone, what are you waiting for?!

Anyway, the biggest thing God has required in this season is a shifting of how I see success and where I place my value and worth. I’ve always felt joy and accomplishment in achieving in general. Though I wouldn’t say my worth was found in my achievements per se, this time of shifting has really required me to be intentional about completely separating how I view myself, my value, and what is within me, from my job title, how much money I make, what goals I’ve accomplished, and even how others respond to these things (good or bad). It has required me to build my confidence in who God says I am and be at peace when others are not able to see it (or choose not to, lol). Where God is taking me will require that I am not attached to worldly achievements (no matter how great) and especially, not attached the approval or applause of man (no matter who they are). It requires that I don’t move until He says so and that once He says ‘Go,’ I don’t allow anything to sway, taint, or modify what He has said to do, or how He has said to do it.

Y’all have heard me talking about submission and radical obedience, and doing things God’s way.

It’s a beautiful thing and there’s no safer place to be than in God’s will. But I thought I’d let you in on what it can sometimes look and feel like in the midst of it. I'm also documenting this for myself, because BABY, the season that’s coming will blow my mind & I’m already knowing, so I want to have this here as a marker and reminder of how far God has brought me and the way He did exactly what He said He would!

For those in your appointed/promised season, keep going! Continue allowing God to lead and guide you.

For those in the ‘in between’ season, like me, remain submitted and resist the urge to rush God’s Hand.

Know that His timing and His ways are perfect, and He has a perfect plan from beginning to end. TRUST HIM!

For all of us, may God continue to order our footsteps, for “the steps of a good [wo]man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in [her] way.” (Psalm 37:23)

Let’s continue to make Daddy proud!

Love y’all, bunches 💖

P.S. I know I spoke a lot about the challenges, but the JOY is unmatched!

& the pressure I DON’T feel to have it all figured out, knowing that my Father does, is just *chef’s kiss*.

The PEACE I can feel knowing that I’m in His will anchors me and keeps me from being swayed by every word, piece of advice, or problem that arises.

To be able to REST in Him, even while working is a beautiful thing. Literally wouldn’t trade it for the world! 💛

If you’re in this season...

Build your FAITH in God daily.

Spend intimate time with the Holy Spirit in prayer, in praise, and in the Word. Trust what He has spoken & eliminate doubt.

SPEAK what He said!

... or keep your mouth shut!

Don’t speak against the promises!

Wait PATIENTLY on the Lord!

Be faithful in what He’s given you to do in this season, even if it seems small.


This means two things:

No matter what season you’re in, REST in God, knowing that if you do your part, the part He has given you to do, that He will do His!

Resist to be busy in your season of rest. If God has you resting in this season, it’s likely because it’ll be GO time soon. Don’t neglect this moment to stop & recharge. This includes mental & physical rest!


Expect what God said to come to pass in His divine timing. He is not a man that He would lie, so when it comes to Him, “expectation [does NOT] lead to disappointment!”

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