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  • Writer's pictureEpiphani

Get Back in there, Sis! 🏃🏾‍♀️

For years now, God has been refining my definition of health and the ways I take care of my mind and body. Somewhere along the way, I started feeling like, “Am I being extra?” 🤔 & maybe to some, I am, but the real truth is that I kinda forgot to remember the ‘why’ for many of the measures God has had me implement over the years, and also the positive results of following through. And honestly, some things I forgot or didn’t realize were actually instructions from God and not just me wanting to feel/do/be better—to be clear, wanting to feel or do better is reason enough on its own, but when obedience to God is at hand, I’m like…

This is why recording God’s instructions, as well as the journey that follows, is so important, whether on paper, by video, in a voice note, etc. Health wise, it’s also a good idea to record and circle back to your ‘why’ for implementing a certain habit or routine, eliminating a certain food(s), etc., especially when it’s been a while.

God has healed my mind and body in MANY ways over the last few years through measures I’ve shared across quite a few of our Wellness Wednesday videos and blog posts (and some I haven’t yet shared). From menstrual cramps, to bloating and indigestion, to intense seasonal and elemental allergies, to depression, and I’m sure there’s more. (Thank you, Jesus! 🙌🏾)

But to be candid, I kinda got a bit lackadaisical in carrying out some of the things God used to heal me in the first place. Granted, there are indeed certain things that are only relevant and applicable during the healing process, but this weekend, I was reminded that the lifestyle changes God has had me make over the years are meant to be carried out for a lifetime, or at least until the next instruction. I guess I kinda started thinking, “well, if I’m truly healed, then XYZ shouldn’t hurt me anymore” or “…being meticulous about XYZ isn’t a big deal anymore.” It was actually quite the opposite and in some ways, I had to be reminded of this the hard way 🥴 lol.

In our faith Friday series, we’ve been talking about obtaining and maintaining deliverance and freedom through Jesus Christ. Just like we implement certain things to get free and continue doing them to stay free spiritually, the same applies to our physical healing and health.The changes the Holy Spirit leads us to make with our eating, our physical activity, our visual and audio intake, etc. are often not just meant to heal us from illness, but also to help us lead healthy lives going forward.

I guess I kinda missed that second part, but thankfully, the Holy Spirit is our faithful Guide, teaching and instructing us in the way we should go and bringing us back when we veer off even a little.

So, long story long, don’t stop doing the things the Lord instructed you to do at first until/unless He gives another instruction. Continuing to treat your body with special care even after healing doesn’t mean you weren’t fully healed, but rather the opposite. Jesus did His part in sending the healing, and we must continue to do ours, obeying the promptings and instructions of the Holy Spirit to continue to care for our temples. Don’t intentionally or unintentionally re-contaminate what Jesus has purified by His Spirit and your obedience, and that applies both spiritually and physically. Maintain the vision He placed before you of a fully healed, healthy, and wholesome you, and do not cast off restraint. & if you’ve “fallen off the wagon” a little (or a lotta) bit, be encouraged & GET BACK IN THERE, SIS!

“For a righteous [woman] may fall seven times and rise again…” (Proverbs 24:16)

I hope this helped someone today, but even if not, it certainly blessed me! 😌🙌🏾

I love you all bunches! Have a healthy & wholesome week 💕

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