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  • Writer's pictureEpiphani

How to Give Up the Grind | Off the Hamster Wheel & onto the Potter’s Wheel

  1. Decide you want to live differently. 

    1. This is simple, but important. Make an intentional decision that you want a different life & flow, and commit to the journey. 

  2. Start small. 

    1. Renew your mind with God’s Word.

    2. Begin to implement small changes in your daily habits that release you from hustle & move you towards flow. 

      1. Ex. Don’t check your messages or emails first thing 

        1. More than likely, the world will continue to go ‘round if those messages wait until you’re awake and have spent time with God & yourself. 

  3. Sit with God & yourself to discover & define your ‘what’ and your ‘why’

    1. Make any necessary changes to things that don’t align with this 

  4. Spend time with God daily & make an intentional effort to invite Him to impart His strength in the areas of your weakness. 

    1. Welcome Him to heal parts of you that may be prone to: 

      1. Anxiety

      2. Overworking & overcompensating 

      3. People-pleasing

      4. Seeking external validation or strictly bound to an outcome 

      5. Working to avoid ‘doing the work’ (growth & inner healing)

      6. Tying your worth to your work & production

  5. Let God teach you the rhythms of grace. 

    1. This may mean slowing down for a bit, but you will eventually return more fruitful, peaceful, and purposeful than before.

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