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  • Writer's pictureEpiphani

Guard Your Heart Above All Else 💕

Y’all, we have made it to the end of our Deliverance Series and this week, we’re wrapping it up with guarding our hearts!

The Bible consistently talks about the importance of our hearts and how much the content of our hearts matters to God, because “man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7)

Guarding our hearts helps us to maintain freedom in Jesus by…

  • Protecting our devotion to God and the purity of our relationship with Him,

  • Allowing the Holy Spirit to produce fresh, thriving fruit within us vs. bitter, rotten fruit, and

  • Ensuring that what flows from us aligns with what has flowed into us, which should be the things of God.

Watch today’s video and grab the notes below for some practical steps for keeping your heart with all diligence.

I pray that this series has blessed and enriched your walk with Jesus. The series may be ending, but the journey of obtaining & maintaining freedom continues.

May God bless you as you go forth!

I love you bunches!

Have a healthy & wholesome weekend, sisters 💛


Proverbs 4:23

Matthew 12:34b

Matthew 12:35

Matthew 6:21

Mark 12:30

Video Notes

Practical Steps for Guarding your Heart

  • Guard your ear and eye gates

  • Fill up on things of the Spirit on a regular basis

    • Cultivate space to walk by the Spirit

  • Resist Offense

    • No matter how “justified” it may be / seem

    • Choose not to take things personally

    • Avoid or avert situations that you see are trying to pull you into an ‘offense’ trap

    • If you do find yourself offended, bust out of it ASAP → Forgive & let it go!

  • Resist Temptation


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