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Don’t Forget! | For All Believers & Those Who Have Left the Church 💕

Updated: Jan 10, 2023

Hey Garden Fam! 🌸

Just wanted to drop a quick message today to encourage you in your faith journey and your efforts to bring souls to the Kingdom. Just a loving reminder that we should know the Word of God for ourselves and should be pointing people to God & the Bible and not just to church. Christ did not just commission pastors to go forth and spread the Gospel; it is each of our responsibility as believers to do so.

In addition to that, it is our own responsibility to get to know God’s Word for ourselves.

Though God set in place pastors, teachers, apostles, prophets, and evangelists to equip the saints for ministry (service), we are each responsible for developing a personal relationship with God through prayer & knowing His Word.

We should always be seeking and applying knowledge of His principles, laws, and promises. Church CAN be a wonderful place to support us in that process, but we NEED to know the Word for ourselves to:

🍇 filter and govern our lives accordingly,

🍇 discern whether what we’re hearing is actually sound doctrine,

🍇 be fully equipped with the whole armor of God to stand against the enemy, and

🍇 effectively share the pure Gospel with others.

Btw, if you left or were turned away from church (the building) for various reasons, I still encourage you to get to know God for yourself and make a decision from there. People may disappoint you and get it wrong sometimes, but God will NOT.

Be blessed & have a healthy & wholesome week, Fam! Love you bunches 🍇

Focus Scriptures 💕


💕 Matthew 28:18-20

Personal Responsibility

💕 Philippians 2:12-13

💕 2 Timothy 2:15

Leaders’ Purpose

💕 Ephesians 4:11-16


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