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  • Writer's pictureEpiphani

Listening & Responding to Your Body 🎧

Happy Wellness Wednesday, Garden Fam 🌸

I hope you are doing well & that your February is off to a wonderful start!

We’re starting a new series this month, but before we dive in, I wanted to lay the groundwork by telling some and reminding others to listen to your body. Our bodies are wired to send signals letting us know when things are good, when we need something, or when things are off. Have you been ignoring or silencing these signals? Have you not been intentional about recognizing and responding to these signals? Is this a concept you’ve never even heard of? If so, today’s video is for YOU! In this week's video, I do give you some homework as we prepare to begin our natural remedies series, but don't worry, it's not graded! lol. I'm sure you'll thank yourself later.

As always, have a healthy & wholesome week!

Love you bunches 🍇

Your Homework

  • Begin to be intentional about noticing when your body is speaking, such as when you're...

    • Hungry

    • Tired

    • In pain

    • In a good or bad mood

    • Feeling dehydrated

  • Make a mental note of the moments when you silence your body's cues

    • Such as ignoring your need to use the restroom or to grab a snack

  • Choose one area to begin addressing this week

    • For example, if you are tired, intentionally make time to rest


Did you catch our Black History Month series last year? If not, I definitely suggest you go back and watch it. I shared why there are so many health disparities in the Black community, as well as some tips for preventing and managing heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.


We just wrapped up our Cleaner Living Series.

Go back and watch it if you missed any of those videos. They may very well [help you to] change your life! 😉

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