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  • Writer's pictureEpiphani

Live in Expectation 🌸

When you are a child of the Most High God, you can and should live in expectation. To live in expectation means that you literally begin to expect, anticipate, await God’s ways and promises to be a reality in your life on the regular, because God said it to be so. You expect to be favored, you expect to live blessed, you expect to obtain the victory in every trial (no matter how rough it gets in the middle of it), you expect God’s promises to come to pass…

Whereas the world says, “no expectations, no disappointments,” as a follower of Jesus Christ, you can rest assured that when your expectation is in God, His Word, His promises, and His character, disappointment will NOT be your portion! The scripture that God brought to mind was Proverbs 23:18, which says, “For surely there is a hereafter, and your hope will not be cut off.” Basically, you will not be disappointed when your hope is in God. In fact, the Amplified version literally says, “Surely there is a future [and a reward], and your hope and expectation will not be cut off.”

So, step out there and put your expectation in God. Look above your circumstances, above the people around you, above what you see in the natural, and seek to see how God sees, and then begin to walk in expectation to see what He showed you by the Spirit come to pass in the natural. As you read the Bible, don’t just read it as a fairytale or an inspirational self-help book, but actually begin to apply it to your life and expect to see the fruit develop in your life. Expect to see the things that God promises to become a reality in your life!

It is the beginning of a new month. Take a moment to imagine what might happen if you decided to live in great expectation of God this month! The Bible already tells us that God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we could ever ask or think according to His power that works in us (Ephesians 3:20). So, set your expectations high and watch God meet and exceed them! Don’t let past disappointments keep you from putting out hope and expectation again, but this time, make sure your hope is in God and anchored in His Word. Know that when you put your hope and expectation in Him, your hope will not be cut off! Choose to believe that today!

Welcome to November, sis! I am challenging you to live in expectation this month (and beyond)! I am looking forward to all that God will do and I hope you are, too!

I love you bunches,

Have a healthy & wholesome week and an exceedingly blessed month!

P.S. Just to clarify… expectation and entitlement are two subtly different things. Entitlement says, “I should have this thing because I deserve it” or because “I want it” or because of whatever other reason. However, expectation says “I anticipate this thing (or great things overall), because it has already been established for me by my Heavenly Father.” Expectation rests on God’s goodness and His promises, whereas entitlement rests on our “goodness” and deservedness.

Freely live in expectation today 💞

Here's a song to go along with this month's declaration!


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