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We Don't Want NO SMOKE! šŸ˜ššŸ’ØšŸ™…šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø

Happy Wellness Wednesday, Garden Fam!

I have a direct message for a select group of gardeners out thereā€¦

It's World 'No Tobacco' Day and I want to encourage any of my gardeners who are still smoking, vaping, or chewing tobacco to consider and begin taking measures to QUIT!

Nowā€¦ Before you unsubscribe, hear me out...

You and I both know that it's not good for your health and in 2023, there's no way it's good for your pockets. A tobacco habit may not be easy to break, especially when there is nicotine involved, but I can assure you that it is possible and worth it. I wonā€™t go into all of the details of the possible adverse consequences, but none of them are good. Tobacco alone is bad enough, but when it comes to vaping, you could also be unknowingly smoking heavy metals. Your lungs are begging you to quit, and so am I. Know that I donā€™t come to judgment, because Iā€™ve been there, in a slightly different wayā€¦ You can see my cannabis testimony on our YouTube for more details on that. I wonā€™t bore you with it here!

If you're ready to make that move, I have just a couple tips for you. On the physical side, you can consult with a medical professional or addiction specialist to help you formulate a plan towards your new, tobacco-free life. On the spiritual side, I definitely recommend that you begin praying (& even fasting) against addiction. The goal is to be set free altogether, not to simply replace one addiction with another, so it's important to break it at the root! Seek God for a strategy and for His strength.

If God delivered me from years of cannabis use, He can surely set you free from that tobacco habit. You may not even be able to envision your life without it, because youā€™ve built much of your life and your routines around your tobacco use, but you can have a totally different life, and it can happen swiftly. Yes, it will require self-control and diligence, but it doesnā€™t have to be as hard as you may be imagining. It is not Godā€™s will that we depend on other things to bring us peace, comfort, joy, (or anything else people seek substances for), so surrender that habit to God and allow Him to lead and empower you to quit for good! And also trust that He can and will restore every cell, tissue, organ, etc. in your body that has been negatively impacted by this habit.

Welp, if youā€™ve made it this far, I hope you have made it up in your mind to make a change! I am praying for you in your journey to your new life. If this episode was not for you, wonderful! Please share it with someone who you know could use it.

I love you all bunches!

Have a healthy & wholesome week šŸ’•

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