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  • Writer's pictureEpiphani

The Power of Scriptural Affirmations | #FaithFriday 💞

This week, we are exploring the power of scriptural affirmations and how they can positively impact your faith, your day, and your circumstances. This video blossomed from our Wellness Wednesday post this week, where I shared 🖐🏾non-negotiables of my morning routine and how they really make my day. Scriptural affirmations are a necessity for me, in general, but especially in this season when my faith is being stretched, and I know they can also be revolutionary for you, as well!

Watch this week’s video and check out the notes below.

Remember to speak what God said over yourself and your circumstances, and over any other situation God has spoken to you about.

Have a wonderful long weekend!

Love you bunches 💞

3 Reasons Scriptural Affirmations are Powerful
They put you in agreement with God’s Word (both written and rhema)
  • Amos 3:3

    • We must choose to agree with what the Lord says in order to follow His leading with fidelity

Hearing God’s Word is essential for faith
  • Romans 10:17

    • “The Holy Spirit uses the Word of God to awaken a response of faith within us.”

  • Proverbs 4:20-21

    • Keep God’s Word “before your eyes” and “in the midst of your heart” by reading and reciting God’s Word

There is power in your tongue
  • Proverbs 18:21

    • What kind of fruit do you want to eat?

    • Speak life! — Say what the Lord has said!

  • Job 22:28

    • Our declarations make a difference

    • Declare what God said

  • Mark 11:23

    • Major things happen when your declarations are backed by belief!


The goal is God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

Therefore, we are not pulling scriptures to just align with our own desires. We are pulling those scriptures that align with God’s plans.

How to Start Using Scriptural Affirmations

Watch the video to grab some ideas and let the Holy Spirit guide you in what scriptures you should be standing on in the season, and how to implement reciting them in and over your life daily, weekly, etc.

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