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The AAA Method: Getting the Most Out of Your Medical Appointments

Updated: Dec 2, 2022

May this article empower you to take charge of your medical experiences in a way that successfully meets your medical needs. Read more about our very own AAA Method for effectively navigating your medical appointments. You can also check out our previous blog, 5 Ways to Care for Your Health in 2022 to learn how often you should be performing self checks at home and making trips to your local medical professional.

The AAA Method - Archive, Advocate, Ask (Repeat)

Archive Your Experiences

Before your appointment, take note of things you may want to share with your practitioner.


  • Any changes in your body, and when they started or when you noticed them

  • Effects of new medication - Are you getting the intended benefits? Are there any unfavorable side effects?

  • Personal health goals

  • Questions you want to ask

Advocate for Yourself

During your appointment, keep in mind that while the doctor, dentist, etc. is the medical expert, YOU are the expert on your body. Treat your medical appointment like a collaboration session with the purpose of keeping you healthy and meeting your goals. Let your doctor know what you want to get out of the session and the outcomes you want going forward, and then see to it that these are the main topics of conversation. There is no reason to be shy or intimidated when in the room with your doctor or medical professional, and you should resist the urge to lie or keep secrets. They can’t offer you the best possible solutions without the full context. If you don’t feel comfortable being transparent with your practitioner, consider finding someone you’re more comfortable with, whose medical values align with your own. Most medical insurance companies have online databases that allow you to browse medical professionals in your area that are covered by your insurance. If you don’t have insurance and your options are open, you can still utilize most of these databases, and/or Google is a great place to start.

Ask ALL the Questions

You are paying to see a medical professional; they are there with the intention to help you get and stay healthy. So, while you are there, ask the questions, including the ones you think are too “dumb” or personal, or might make you “look a certain way.” What they think about you as a person is none of your business, but the expertise they can offer your curiosity and gaps and knowledge IS your business, sis! & again, if you ever feel judged or out of place when opening up or asking questions, first, check to make sure it’s not just you adjusting to being out of your normal comfort zone, and if it’s not, guess what? You can look for someone who is a better fit!

Remember, “[She] who asks is a fool for five minutes, but [she] who does not ask remains a fool forever.” – Mark Twain

So, ask away!

Archiving your experiences, advocating for yourself, and asking questions

will help you to ensure you are getting the most out of your medical appointments.

Don’t be shy; partner with your professionals to maintain the best, healthiest version of you.

We hope this post helps you do just that!

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