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  • Writer's pictureEpiphani

The Art of Letting Go ✨

Let’s address our first subscriber request:

'Letting go and accepting God’s will.’

Accepting God’s will starts with a deep understanding that His desires towards you are good—to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a hope & a future (Jer. 29:11), Anything He is instructing you to do (or has said ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to) is because He sees and knows all, from beginning to end, and like a parent, He wants the best for you. To be clear, God’s ways are not our ways, so His version of "best" may not align with yours at first.

However, as you spend more time with Jesus and get to know God's character and His overall will for His children, His ways will become yours and He will give you the desires of your heart. In other words, as you continue to walk with Jesus daily and spend time with Him, if you make a commitment to submit to and be led by Him in all ways, you will begin to look, act, and think more like Him—after all, we were made in His image. It is in intimacy with Jesus that we begin to gain insight into the Father's will for our lives, and from there, be led along the right path. It is from that place that our own desires begin to align with His.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll never have to let go or accept something based on what God wants for you, because you will likely have many more of these moments. However, it simply means that making the choice to let go or accept will become easier, because you’ve made the choice to submit your life to Jesus overall, knowing that His way truly is the best way. This is also something you can pray for and ask the Holy Spirit to empower you to do: "Lord, please help me to see things as You do, and help me to trust in You, Your will, and Your plans for my life."

I’m sure there are or have been specific situations where you are trying to let go or accept God’s will, and there’s nothing wrong with that. However, instead of focusing on forcing yourself to let go or accept that 'thing' whatever it may be, I encourage you to set that aside for now and focus more on cultivating a deeper understanding of who God is, embracing the fact that He is good in every sense of the word, and building faith and trust in Him as your Father and Lord. This all starts and grows with spending time with Him—reading His Word, spending time in prayer (whether speaking, thinking, or writing them), and spending time in worship (singing, dancing, giving thanks, etc.). As you grow in submission and intimacy with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, you will likely find that this process flows a lot more smoothly because you are being led by the Spirit more than you are fighting your desires. You may have been looking for a more “concrete” step-by-step answer to your current situation, but I believe it starts here. I pray this helps you along your journey!

You know I want to hear from you!

Respond in the comments below & let me know:

What helps you to accept God’s will and to let go of what/who is not a part of His plans?

What has been the biggest challenge for you in this area and how did you overcome it?

I look forward to reading your responses.

For now, have a healthy & wholesome week 💖

Love you bunches!

P.S. Check out this video for more insight on aligning with God's will for your life!

This is my version of what it looks like to trust God's plan for your life. It's an intentional (though not always easy) decision to rest in Him. 😌


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