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  • Writer's pictureEpiphani

If it sounds too good to be true... 😬

A little while ago, I heard someone say that the Holy Spirit told them that, “If it sounds too good, it’s probably not Me,” and man… that hasn’t sat right with me since! Typically, if someone says, “God told me…” I like to at least give them the benefit of the doubt… unless, of course, what they are saying is not biblical. And in this case, I’m sorry, but I must call a flag on the play, sis! 🚩The Bible tells and shows us over and over again that God is good and He has good things and good intentions for His children who are in right standing with Him. It is important that we are able to see God as our Abba Father, who loves and cares for us, and wants the best for us, and also, as God, who is sovereign, rules over the Kingdom, and has a will that He desires for us to follow. Being too far on either side of the spectrum can cause us to miss out on different aspects of God, reject knowledge of Him, and even at times, miss what He is doing at any given moment.

In this case, if you have a skewed view of God that says that, “if it’s too good to be true, it’s not God,” how will you be able to have faith for the big, wonderful things He desires to do in your life… not because of your goodness, but to put His goodness on display? To answer the rhetorical question for you, you won’t! Of course, God being good does not mean we won’t go through things, face challenges, and have to overcome, but we must remain grounded in the fact that God’s nature is good! He’s a big God and the things He desires to do in our lives will often seem “too good to be true,” especially when we “put our faith out for something far out,” as one of my mentors would say. Below, I’m gonna list a few scriptures to really anchor this point as well as a few times in the Bible where God did something that definitely seemed “too good to be true.” My prayer is that our eyes, minds, and hearts will more open to the spectrum of who God is, and that we receive and stand on the fact that God is a good God, in every aspect… and may our faith in Him increase that much more by knowing and believing that!

So, “if it sounds too good to be true,” it’s probably not if God is in it!

Love you bunches!

Have a healthy & wholesome week 🌸


I'm cheating this time and borrowing this site's list. They really drive home the point we discussed today!

It Seemed Too Good to Be True
  • First example that comes to mind is Elisha telling the Shunnamite woman that she would have a son. She basically told him, "Don't play with my emotions like that." It seemed too good to be true to her! (2 Kings 4:8-17)

  • Next, Abraham and Sarah having a baby at 100 and 90 years old! Need I say more? (Genesis 21)

    • Actually, I will say a little more... This was after God had told Abraham He would make a great nation out of Him through his descendants... Meanwhile, Abraham has not an heir in sight! Talk about "too good to be true." Imagine if Abraham had said, "nah, that sounds too good... That couldn't have been from God!"

  • All of Jesus' healing miracles, but to call out one, Jesus delivering the man's son who was possessed with a demon. He's the one who said, "I believe, but help my unbelief." (Mark 9:21-27)

  • So many more where this came from. I challenge you to brainstorm a few examples of your own.

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