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  • Writer's pictureEpiphani

Learning Your TRUE Identity Post-Deliverance 🙇🏾‍♀️💭

Calling God up like...

Last week, we talked about the importance of embracing the new you and your new season and being transformed by the renewing of your mind. These are both keys to receiving and walking in the freedom Jesus sacrificed for us to have so that we would be able to serve Him and the Kingdom of God fully. Though we touched on some of these topics a bit last week, I wanted to share the unique experience that often occurs after deliverance (& salvation) specifically, because I recognize that it is similar, but different from the normal process of growth.

Being set free from sin and demonic oppression literally lifts burdens off of you that were never meant to be there, but may have settled in as “normal” over time. As such, being set free will uncover parts of you that were hidden or suppressed, and God will restore parts of you that were cut off or blocked from blooming. As we are delivered, we will likely need to get to know ourselves all over again. This does not mean that we’re starting from scratch, but rather that we will likely need to go through a process with Jesus and ourselves to relearn who we truly are.

Once we’ve been set free, we must come to Jesus and ask Him, who am I, really? What parts of me were really me? What parts weren’t? Some things will naturally go away because they were literally tied to the demonic influence you were under, but there are also nuanced parts of what you’ve thought to be your personality that may not actually be a part of who you are.

In addition to learning your true identity in freedom, there may be a re-creation or reshaping of your interests, likes, dislikes, etc. What does this new you like now that she’s free? How does she spend her time outside of her time with God or working on assignments? How does she dress? You don’t have to attack all of this by just sitting down one time and mapping it out. Instead, allow yourself the freedom to curiously and adventurously find out!

You will most likely find that your destiny changes. To be clear, from God’s perspective, it’s always been the same, but now, your eyes will be opened to see it with more clarity. What you thought you were supposed to be doing with your life may not actually be aligned with God’s true, perfect plan for your life. His plan is likely bigger and definitely better, hence why you needed to be FREE to see, pursue, and walk in it. This may mean dramatic changes if you were far off course before, or could be minor track changes if you just wandered off the path a little. Either way, allow the Holy Spirit to redirect you and be willing to let go of anything He shows you isn’t a part of your destiny. Also, be willing to embrace what He shows you IS a part of God’s plan for your life!

Finally, (though I’m sure there’s more that could be said), you may realize that the relationships you were in only made sense with the you that was in bondage. It doesn’t mean that everyone is bad or you are better, but similar to what we talked about last week, if you chose most of your friends, acquaintances, and even romantic relationship while you were under the influence or oppression of a demonic spirit, it very well may be that the true you, who is now free, has little to nothing in common with those you chose before you were set free. Again, this is not one of those, “I’m moving up in life and leaving y’all behind” points, but rather to say that you may not relate to them anymore, but also, they may not relate to you, the true you, and that is okay. You’re literally a new person, so you may not even be their cup of tea anymore or vice versa, and that’s okay, too. And even if you are being tolerated for history’s sake, there’s a strong possibility that true acceptance and deep connection may not be there anymore, and that’s okay.

This is not a post where I’m here to give you the steps for how to navigate these changes, because tbh, I’m still navigating some of it myself. However, I just want to let someone know that what you are experiencing right now post deliverance, the learning who you are all over again and the reshaping of your life and interests, the shifting of your relationships… it’s normal. Spend time with Jesus and let Him relay to you who you are and also, spend time exploring the new you.

Love you bunches! 💕

P.S. You may also see that you have ‘new’ spiritual gifts. They may have been there all along, but have only had a chance to surface now that the oppression has been lifted. This is another area to discuss and explore with the Holy Spirit and seek His Will for how He wants you to use them! 💛

And then, the TRUE you emerges like...


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