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  • Writer's pictureEpiphani

5 things I didn’t expect to experience during my healing & mental health journey

Choosing to pursue a healthier me was one of the best decisions I ever made. It increased my satisfaction with life, grew my empowerment to advocate for myself, strengthened my ability to dream big and pursue those dreams, improved my interactions with others, and so much more. I’ve been on this journey for a little while now, especially as it pertains to mental and emotional wellness, and though I never thought it would be easy, there are a few things that I totally did not expect to experience along the way.

Check out this week's video to learn more about 5 of the things I didn’t expect to be a part of my healing journey and how I’ve been addressing them along the way.

Here’s to continuing to seek & embrace the most healthy, happy, & whole versions of ourselves, while also remembering that we are already wonderful and worthy of the things we need & desire! Enjoy this week's video and let me know if you've experienced any of these things or any others along your healing and mental health journey.

Until next time, have a healthy and wholesome week! 😽💨💖

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