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  • Writer's pictureEpiphani

When God Seems Silent...

Hey Garden Fam,

I hope you are doing WELL!

I have a quick reminder today for someone who may need it:

Even when God seems silent, He’s still right there, supporting you and ready to help you when you reach out.

I’m sure we’ve all heard the saying, “during the test, the teacher is silent,” but God has been showing me that most of life is more like “Classwork.” (Yes, let’s take it back to elementary school for a sec 😂) When I was in the classroom, I would teach a lesson, walk the students through examples, and give them chances to try the concepts throughout the lesson. Then, once it seemed they had the hang of it (whatever was being taught), I would assign them some classwork so they could apply and practice what they had just finished learning. I didn’t expect them to be experts in it; they had literally just finished being introduced to new concepts. Instead, I sat back, usually just walking around to check in, or sometimes, sitting at my desk, but I always made it clear to them that I was available to help them if they got stuck. I also let them know that it wasn’t considered “cheating” to use their resources to help them. Also note that classwork was graded a lot more loosely than tests, because tests were given at a point when mastery should have been achieved, but classwork was simply an opportunity to exercise new learning.

Without belaboring the point too long, essentially, life with God is a lot like that. Most seasons and moments are more like “classwork” than tests. God is constantly teaching us things and then giving us opportunities to practice and apply what we’ve learned while the stakes are pretty low. That whole time, He’s right there, waiting for our questions, waiting for us to ask for help when we get stuck or don’t know what to do next, waiting for us to reach out and ask for approval, or whatever we may need. As you do the ‘classwork’ (aka your life’s work), the Teacher may be quiet at times—He’s already given the lesson & instruction—but He’s not absent or unavailable. God may seem silent at times, but He is always right there, willing and able to support, help, empower, and guide us as we may need Him.

Our earthly teachers’ goals were to teach, mold, and grow us to eventually be independent (and rightfully so), but that is not the case with our Heavenly Teacher. In fact, it’s the opposite. To grow with Him means to grow more and more dependent and reliant on Him, His goodness, His strength, etc.

I have to remind myself of this often, because my natural inclination is to try to do all I can and then ask for help. God has been leading me to do the opposite; to ask for help and allow Him to guide and empower me every step of the way. It’s a lot different than what I’m used to, but the joy, peace, and fruit it produces is top tier! When you ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and empowerment at every turn, I can tell you from even the most recent experiences, that He will certainly show up to help you, remind you, guide you, support you, and provide whatever else you may need in the moment!

So, in closing, I want to remind you to make an intentional effort to look to God every step of the way, big or small, minor or major, and know that in most moments, it’s not a test, but rather an opportunity to collaborate with God on your life’s work!

Have a healthy & wholesome week,

Love you bunches 💞


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