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  • Writer's pictureEpiphani

Trusting God in the Wilderness 🌾

Is anyone else in a wilderness season? 👀

I’ve spoken about this many times, specifically in this blog post.

This probably won’t be the last time I speak on this, because this season is SO precious and pivotal to all who go through it. God has called (or will call) many of us out of our comfort zones, out of culture, out of the places we grew up in, out of our jobs, etc. with the intention to [eventually] bring us into our “promised land.” This may or may not be a physical place for each of us, but before we get there, we must be processed, strengthened, stripped, and rebuilt to look like God, walk in His ways, and to trust and obey Him completely, because there is purpose awaiting us in the promised land.

If you are in a wilderness season, just know that, even if it doesn’t always feel like it, it is a blessing. God is calling you out and calling you higher.

In today’s video, I share a few things God pointed out to me about the Israelites journey that I, and anyone else in a wilderness season, should be sure to implement in order to remain faithful in between “Egypt” (where God took you from) and “Canaan” (where He promised to bring you).

Steward this season well, fam!

Focus Scriptures

I gotta give y'all some reading homework today! There's too much to capture in just a few scriptures.

Dive into the books below and let the Lord speak to you further.

Absorbing more of God's Word is a part of this season anyway 🤗





Video Notes

Trust & Obey God
  • God has brought you out of a place where you may have been comfortable.

  • Even if you were in bondage, you may have settled in there, thinking it would be your reality indefinitely, but God saw fit to pull you out and set you apart.

  • Trust God even when His directions go against your logic.

    • Exodus 13:18

Maintain hope in the promise
  • Write down and hold on to what God has promised you — don’t make it an idol, but trust that God will come through if He said it!

  • Note any instructions He gives you for the promised land. Some of it may not be relevant now, but will be pertinent then.

    • He is retraining / reestablishing you for His Kingdom, which will be different from the world in many ways!

    • Exodus 20-32; 35

  • Fight the urge to doubt what He has said!

Embrace God’s provision in this season
  • God turned bitter waters sweet for them to drink

  • God poured out bread from Heaven for them to eat

    • Testing their obedience

    • Exodus 16:18-30

  • Embrace the grace He is giving you to do more than you could on your own.

    • Also, embrace the times when He sends help. Carefully discern who is sent by Him and who is not.

Avoid complaining
  • Remember, your complaints are not against a person or a thing, but against God.

    • Take heed to the way God responds to your complaints & remember His heart towards you.

  • Don’t be a dramatic complainer like the Israelites, saying “why’d you bring me out of my comfortable captivity to kill me?” Lol.

    • They complained and referenced Egypt every time they had a need.

      • They had not yet began to trust the Lord truly, even after all of the miraculous signs He had shown them.

Worship > Worry
  • We were built to worship

  • Israelites got worried / anxious when Moses was away on the mountain.

  • They felt like he took too long

  • Moses was their main connection / communication with God, so their impatience with him, was really impatience with God

  • They chose to worship, but instead of worshipping God, they formed an idol to worship 😩

  • Choose to worship God every time you feel the temptation to worry or get impatient

Be diligent in learning what God is teaching you and passing any tests that come your way.
  • Not for show or for accomplishments sake, but trusting that everything He is doing now is necessary for the future.

  • Removing some things from you, your heart, your life, etc.

    • Changing your traditions and habits to align with His protocols

      • Separating you from mindsets and practices that go against His will

    • Renewing your mind

      • Slavery to pharaoh to “slavery” to God

      • Reliance and trust in pharaoh to reliance and trust in God

  • Building some things within you

  • Exodus 20:20

Move when He says move
  • No matter what it looks like

  • If God has said the territory is yours and has given you the green light to take it, don’t delay!

  • Don’t be dismayed by what seem to be obstacles before you. Don’t be dismayed by people who may have negative things to say.

    • God has already declared you to be victorious & will give you strategy for how to carry it out.

When you finally get to the promised land, continue to obey God, to a tee!
  • Don’t compromise on His instructions.

  • Don’t leave God, or put Him in your back pocket.

  • Remember that God got you here & it is His wisdom & guidance that will not only keep you here, but catapult you even further.

Remember that you are here because God desires to use you for more
  • It’s not even just about the promise, but about who God needs you to be in the promised land.

    • Israel was supposed to serve as ambassadors for living God’s way.

    • We are each called to do the same

      • Different callings, same purpose.

      • Keep that in mind & know you are called to more.

      • Remain during the pruning, teaching, and testing process.

        • It’s not about you, but what God desires to do & who He desires to reach through you! 💖


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